[center] [h2][color=9BD9E3]Arden Gaothaire[/color][/h2] [sub] Bride of [color=crimson][b]Heccarmin[/b][/color] [@ClocktowerEchos]; Sister Bride to [color=82ca9d][b]Sorrin[/b][/color] [@WeepingLiberty][/sub] [sub]Interacting with [b]Heccarim[/b] and [b]Sorrin[/b][/sub] [/center] The cloth came closer and closer to Arden’s face, but there was nothing she could do. The Warden’s hold on her was too strong that even continuing to squirm was useless. As the material was pushed against her nose and mouth, Arden instinctually gasped for breath that wasn’t there. The stench of whatever liquid the rag was soaked in was sucked into the Gem’s lungs with each quick inhale. Within seconds the world around her began to blur until there was nothing but a strangely sweet taste lingering in her mouth. [center][i]The cold air rolled gently across her skin as she walked through the tree covered field toward the lake. The grass was damp beneath her feet; the dew had settled early that evening. She smiled softly as the blades of grass tickled her toes with each step, but her leisurely pace pressed forward. As the lake came into view, the trees began to thin, allowing the moon to completely light her path. Bare feet walked slowly toward the edge of the lake, stopping just inches away from the still water. A gentle hand reached for the lake, touching its surface with a fingertip, causing the still water to ripple. A contemplative gaze watched as the ripples grew larger. And larger. And larger.[/i][/center] Thump. Thump. Thump. The noise was steady, but melodic, like a beating drum. There was something else though, something louder but it wasn’t clear. It sounded like two people speaking; the noise was much closer than the thumping of the drum. Arden groaned as she turned her head from side to side in an attempt to wake her heavy eyes. Her body felt strange, as if it was filled with feathers while simultaneously being weighed down by bricks. Arden stretched out her fingers against the wooden floor that felt as if it was moving, swaying somehow. [color=9BD9E3][i]Where am I?[/i][/color] Steel eyes lazily opened and revealed a blurred room. The voices grew clearer until Arden could identify them as belonging to the Warden and Sorrin. She groaned again as her head fell from side to side, trying to shake the blurred vision. As the room came into view, she noticed the entirety of it was made of wood. A pleasant smell filled her nostrils, it reminded her of home. How could such a smell be in such a place as Drakka? Arden pushed her weak body into a half seated position, allowing her legs to remain sprawled out in front of her. She looked around her until her eyes settled on the small Sorrin next to her. The familiar face eased Arden’s nerves of where she was and what had happened to her. Her eyes shut tight once more with a joggle of the head, she couldn’t seem to shake away the strange feeling in her body. Arden refocused and looked toward their captor, her face beginning to fill with colour again. [color=9BD9E3]”Where are we?”[/color] she asked with a strained voice, the words difficult to force out. Arden looked around the rocking room for something to quench the thirst in her throat. There was a small jug of water near her, almost as if it was purposefully placed there in waiting for her to wake. She drew the jug close to her face, studying the spout with a curious thought of what cruel chemicals could be lurking inside. Her captor had used something on her the night before (presuming only one moon had passed) and a small part of her thought he would do so again but the logical side of her brain reminded her that he needed her to live. The Warden of Harand Kor had made it clear that he was not a kind man, nor a gentle one, and the place that they were going would surely be more taxing than Shadow Worth. He would need his brides to be strong, to live long enough to yield him an heir. Killing her didn’t make sense, not yet anyway. Arden drank generously from the jug, feeling uttermost relief from the cool liquid painting the walls of her throat. Arden’s body began to acclimate to the swaying room and the uneasiness in her stomach subsided. The Warden must’ve brought them on a boat; was Harand Kor that far away from Shadow Worth? She had been passed out for almost the entire conversation between Heccarim and Sorrin, and what she had woken for was useless; their voices were nothing but mumbles to her intoxicated ears. A weak Arden looked toward the cart of the food that was in the room, the assortment of meats and plants looked less than appetizing but she knew the it was necessary for her to eat in order to regain her strength. Weakness meant death in this place, she had learned that much already. More so, she refused to die as a prisoner of the Warden; she would need strength to face such a dangerous foe every day. [color=9BD9E3]”Is that for us?”[/color] she asked, her question directed toward Heccarim. She would not risks simply taking something given the state she was in and the fact that her captor had threatened to take her punishments out on Sorrin. She would wait for permission before acting, even though her stomach ached for sustenance. A concerned look found its way to her sister-bride, who seemed to be smiling. Arden could see the faintest sign of an apology on the girl. What could she possibly feel sorry for? The poor thing had done nothing wrong… The thought of Sorrin in that monster’s lap with his ugly fingers wrapped around her neck… It made Arden’s blood boil. Her open hand against the floorboards closed itself into a tight fist, her knuckles turning white. There was nothing she could do to the Warden. There was nothing she could do to retaliate. Sorrin would receive the monster’s response to every move that Arden made against him. How would she fight against him without condemning her sister-bride to a worser fate. A dawn of realization left the Air Gem wide eyed as she stared at the small blonde haired girl. [color=9BD9E3][i]You might not be strong enough to take the beatings… but I am.[/i][/color] [Hider=Summary]Arden gets chloroformed. Arden has a nice(?) dream. Arden wakes up all confused. Shit we're on a boat. Thirsty and hungry. Pls halp. Sorrin, we will be friends.[/hider]