[@KatherinWinter][@Searat][@Blueflame][@LightningMaiden] Noticing the demon's panicked state and apparent injury when he transformed, Argus took a few steps back towards Richard, noting Griffin's arrival at the scene; those close to the Djinn would be able to feel the intense heat radiating from his core. [color=a0410d]"Sorry for running off ahead boss, but I figured you wouldn't be far behind."[/color] he admitted, keeping an eye on the shadow demon as it attempted to escape past an unfamiliar woman who smelled strongly of river water. [color=a0410d]"I know I'm not supposed to transform without permission from the senior agent on the case but we're way past keeping ourselves secret at this point."[/color] he apologized, looking away from the demon and towards Griffin. [color=a0410d]"We need to keep this thing in the sewers without hurting it anymore, long enough to get a properly equipped containment vehicle on site. We can't risk triggering any more transformations."[/color] he advised, shifting his focus to Richard, [color=a0410d]"There's a chance trapping it between several sources of light strong enough to hurt it might start weakening it."[/color] Right about then, the woman froze a portion of the shadow demon into a block of ice. [color=a0410d]"Damnit, does nobody around here pay attention to context clues? Get away from that thing before you piss it off any worse!"[/color] he shouted at her, [color=a0410d]"Starting to see what you meant Griff. We have GOT to train these people better before sending them into the field."[/color] he stared at the woman, sniffing the air, [color=a0410d]"Who are you anyways, lady? I didn't think we had any of [i]your kind[/i] on staff."[/color] he said, an obvious hint of disdain in his voice. As the demon started to struggle and claw at the already weakened sewer walls, Argus could smell fear underneath the thick demonic stench. [color=a0410d]"Get away from that thing now! Freeze the walls and ceiling once you're to a safe distance, then create an ice mirror in front of yourself and Griffin!"[/color] he ordered the woman, watching as Richard conjured chains of holy light in an attempt to further restrain the creature. [color=a0410d]"Richard, prepare the strongest burst of holy light you can charge up and fire it on my signal."[/color]