[color=deepskyblue][i]I knew it.[/i][/color] The spell came naturally to Kai, the wind heeding his call as the silvery winds erupted around him. Cielle was impressed; she had been expecting a simple gust, but he managed to copy her technique perfectly. Her heart beat against her chest as her eyes followed the wind, but she wasn't exactly sure why. Anxiety? Maybe. His display showed that he definitely had the aptitude for magic, all she needed to do was pry it out of him. If he kept it up, he'd probably match her skill level in no time. Which was a feat in itself, as she had been training for years. And then he touched it and all those positive thoughts flew away. [color=deepskyblue][i]There he is...[/i][/color] Cielle shook her head, placing her hand on her hip. "[color=deepskyblue]I suppose that'll do for now,[/color]" She stated, dismissing her keyblade. "[color=deepskyblue]Let's get to it, I'm sure Cid is done by now.[/color]" Leading Kai to the large doors, she pushed them open, revealing a view that clashed with Traverse Town's rustic nature. The dock was on the smaller side of things, but it did its purpose: housing Cielle's Gummi Ship. It really looked like an oversized toy, but she felt it was charming. Cid was at the control panel, likely putting the finishing touches on it. "About time you showed up, Yuffie and Aerith said their goodbyes at the shop," Cid told the pair. Cielle nodded. "[color=deepskyblue]Alright, I'll be back soon,[/color]" She told him, bowing. "Stop that, you know you I'm happy to help," He waved her away, grinning. Placing her hand on the ship, a small door opened. Cielle beckoned Kai to follow suit, and once the pair was in, she gave Cid a thumbs up. He nodded, hitting something on the control panel, and they were off.