Charles had caught up to him in a matter of moments, seemingly having been almost entirely petrified by the explosion's aftermath. almost as if it reminded him of something, in a weird sense of the word? Either way though, he had caught up at this rate. and was staring at Jones. "Is this around the general area of the stall? If so, be EXTREMELY careful. there could very easily be traps set for us by the bomber. we don't want to total the entire market street, or even worse. have ourselves be blown to bits and pieces like the victim had been just moments ago right in front of both of our own eyes. Anyways, if you don't see anything out of the ordinary. You could continue to move on, but if theirs even the slightest hint of something amiss.. back away immediately, and wait for the SWAT and bomb squads to scan out the area. do you understand that, at the very least?" He'd stare at Jones with a... Concerned look, rather then a intimidating one this time around."