[@Squirrel98] Willow holds her bags staring at the counselors, trying to wrap her mind around they talking as if they are one person and even moving like it too. [color=a187be]"Six?"[/color] She turns towards Trent wondering what he thinking, then glancing towards the other girl and smiling [color=a187be]"Do you think we will get use to them?"[/color] Trent combs back his hair with his hand, [color=7ea7d8]"Cabin three got it,"[/color] the counselors are rather interesting but considering the type of camp they are at then he shouldn't be too surprised. He steps back glancing at Willow then the girl who had joined them, [i]*what did the counselors call her*[/i], he smiles when he remembers and holds out his hand [color=7ea7d8]"Ally, right?...I'm Trent and this is Willow, excuse her manners she lacking" [/color]laughing as he gets hit by Willow.