[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] As expected of the Dark Magical Girls, none of them noticed the civilians of Miso City’s night life being attacked by the Nightmares. In the dark alleyways, many a youth were assaulted by an enemy they could not see. However, there was no pain or even physical determent in their plight, but rather a gradual acceptance to a new reality. For Nightmares did not maim their prey but feed delicately, and the collection of the dark creatures hovered over the citizen’s heads. Slow streams of blue energy, invisible only to a magical eye, were being sucked out of the humans. And the more each Nightmare consumed, the more joy was robbed of their victim’s hearts, replacing positive emotions with negativity. Not that it had much of a tactical use anyway, as any Dark Magical Girl could attest to. While all of them remained focused on the swarmed horde high in the rooftops, there was one who would come to the night’s rescue. Beams of potent light picked off Nightmares one by one, saving the civilians in the alleyways from any permanent damage to their hearts. But the stronger light was, the deeper its shadow was cast. Such was the case now, unfortunately. If the Dark Magical Girls didn’t notice the Hag before, they certainly would now. While those Nightmares engaged with their magical foes continued to fight, swiping with claws and slashing with tendrils, the horde itself slowly turned away. They swerved, drawn in by the purity of a Magical Girl who still served the light. Jumping into each other like a mixing, melding wave of black, the rush of Nightmares not in combat soon surged right in the Hag’s direction. They splurged one way and then another, crawling along the side of buildings to reach her position. No doubt they would attract the fallen maidens fighting them too. Whatever happened next could only be decided by a Magical Girl. [hr]