[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNmNWNmZi5WSFY1Wlc0Z3hKQnZ3NkJ1LjAA/otterly-adorable.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse – Outside[/code] [hr] What Claire said about the town made a lot of sense. Tuyen couldn’t help but flinch back somewhat (unnoticeably) as the taller girl looked her up and down, suddenly self conscious. What if she saw something she disliked about Tuyen? What if she just told her to fuck off. Her fears were unfounded, and Tuyen was about to agree with what the other two had said when a ghostly tendril appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Justin. “Justin!” Tuyen lurched forward, going to try and grab the tentacle to pull it off. She didn’t have a chance before he was hoisted into the air. She barely heard what the apparition said. People were in danger and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. She was useless. She was stuck here with an abstraction that was more of a detriment than a benefit. She couldn’t do [i]anything[/i] to help. “Tuyen. Get out of here, and find the others… I’m not sure how messy this will get.” Claire’s words snapped Tuyen out of her self-deprecating line of thought. That was something she could, and should, do. If she got the others then they could help. There had to be others with useful abstractions. She turned to go towards the main house… except it wasn’t there. Nothing was there. Where the buildings had been was now nothing. Where had they gone? How could they have disappeared? How was she supposed to get the others to help now? Tuyen stood frozen after looking everywhere for a sign of the houses that she could’ve sworn existed. Her shadow moved around her, almost as if it was taunting her. Had it hidden them? But how? She did see as other people appeared – first a girl attacked by the creature, then Britney to kill it. As the swarm approached everything came into view again. [i]Why couldn’t she see the house before?[/i] Tuyen ran into the house just before Claire, not having to carry anyone. She got herself into the living room and crouched down to try and stop the panicking that had suddenly come to her. She hadn’t helped at all, things could’ve ended earlier if she’d got the others, what if they hadn’t come out? Would Claire be dead? How did they even get out of this? “Tuyen, are you alright?” A light hand on her shoulder and the voice of her cousin cause her to look up. “As fine as any of us can be,” Tuyen responded with a weak smile, taking in a deep breath and trying to calm herself down. She had no right to be reacting so badly when other people were in actual danger. They all were, really. Min didn’t seem to entirely believe her, but didn’t say anything as she stood up. There was a faint glow around him – an aura, almost, that Tuyen didn’t quite understand. “I’m going to help barricade the windows.” Tuyen was glad when he left to help Penny and Rita. Forcing herself not to look too nervous, Tuyen approached Claire and Justin. She made sure to keep out of the way of the girl who was trying to help Sharon – there was nothing she could do there. The other person was more likely to have it under control. “How’s Justin?” Her concern was obvious as she looked over at him. He was alive, at least, but how long would he be knocked out for? It must have been a hard blow. “Uh, I’m sorry for not getting help faster the house-” she cut herself off, realising that she was about to say that actual reason that she hadn’t. Yeah, let’s not have anyone else thinking she was crazy. “Seemed so far away and I started freaking out.” [hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjY2OTFmZi5UV2x1TFVwMWJpQkNZV1ZyLjAA/attic.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Atrophy][@Prosaic][@Mike73][@He Who Walks Behind] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse – Main House[/code] [hr] Min had headed upstairs, going into the bedroom first. There was a fair amount of furniture to search in the bedroom. He went over to the wardrobe and began searching in it. There were a fair amount of clothes in there, but they were easy enough to rummage through. He was careful to not actually remove them from the wardrobe - it was best to make it look like it was untouched just in case anyone came to the house. He made sure to touch each item as he moved through them to gleam at least a bit of information. He didn't find anything useful, both in the wardrobe or from the clothes. Min was about to move into the bedside cabinets when there was a loud bang that had him running downstairs. He was torn when Britney told everyone to stay inside – his cousin was out there. But logically he knew there was nothing he could do to help with whatever was out there. So he waited, moving to door to try and watch what was happening. He moved well out of the way as everyone came charging in – but not before he caught a sight of the massive swarm heading their way and the beginnings of a girl being caught in it. He was glad Tuyen had made it in safely – but it was obvious she wasn’t dealing with it well. “Tuyen, are you alright?” He approached her, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder while trying not to get any information off it. “As fine as any of us can be.” Min didn’t believe her, but he also knew there was nothing he could do to help that. He had to help secure the house first. “I’m going to help barricade the windows.” He left the already barricade living room to the study, helping Penny and Rita board up the last few bits. “I’m going upstairs, there’s some windows there that need barricaded,” he told them before running up the stairs. [hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBkNzI0NS5UV0Z5YVdwdUlFUnlhV1Z6YzJWdUlBLCwuMQAA/happyhanneke.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Atrophy][@Zombiedude101][@Majoras End] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse – Garage[/code] [hr] Everyone was throwing theories about, and Rien had to say a lot of them sounded like they could be possible. None of them, on the other hand, were particularly positive. It was just a bit creepy. If John was the killer then what did that mean for them as guardians? And if he wasn’t, why did he have this picture? They followed Jordan and Kimberley to look out the door… and kind of wish they hadn’t. The last thing they wanted to see was a fight with some weird tentacle ghost. Was this even real? Maybe this was just a really long and detailed nightmare. They kind of hoped so. Rien actually jumped when they saw the Hound. Things just got worse and worse, didn’t they? Ignoring the fear that was creeping into their mind, Rien jumped to action. They grabbed some kind of straight tool (they didn’t even know what it was) and handed it to the new girl who had ran in. “Use this to jam the door closed.” Then they moved to the pickup truck. “Someone help we move this, we can use it to properly block the door. Hopefully that’ll keep out the bugs and dog, with tentacle creature dealt with.” It was easy enough to act nonchalant about the whole thing, even though they were actually kind of freaking out. Better to get stuff done so they could stay safe. [hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi44OGMwY2QuUTJGbGJHVmhJRUpoYVhKay4w/rainy-wind.regular.png[/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Ciaran] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse –Barn[/code] [hr] [i]Teamwork makes the dream work.[/i] Yeah sure it did, if you could work in a team. Didn’t seem like that was going to be all to easy with most of the people in the larger group. The people who had come to the barn didn’t seem awful. “Tentacle monster?” Caelea didn’t get a chance to make some kind of sarcastic comment about that before Lynette told them to run. And with the sound of the buzzing she didn’t need to be told twice. That sounded like an awful lot of insects and she wasn’t going to take a risk that they were friendly. She set off running down the tunnel after Lynette and Hagan, glad for once that she was actually quite fast and fit. She could probably outrun the insects if she had to. Not that it was a very viable option. “I hope that whatever is at the end of this tunnel isn’t just a dead end!” She turned around to make sure that everyone was with them – but the girl with the crutch was behind. Shit. Caelea wasn’t really the most compassionate person in the world but she didn’t want to see someone just die because she was a bit slower than the rest. Caelea slowed down and moved back until she’d reached Paige. She honestly hated people who depended on others, but the girl hadn’t asked for help from the rest once even though she was struggling. She could definitely respect that. It was far from depending on others. “Want some help? Don’t want to leave anyone behind.” She offered her shoulder to lean on, honestly unsure how else she could help. She hadn’t really thought it through – she was way shorter and while strong enough, couldn’t exactly offer to carry the other girl.