[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/W71IOPB.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue] Marcus rushed to the group of kids surrounding the little sister. He took it upon himself to interrupt their little ceremony of blood sacrifice. Chef wasn't entirely sure if that's what was interpretted. All he could acknowledge was that the group of underage children were possessed, they had superior strength, and they were stretching the limbs of sleeping girl. Marcus pressed on, his shoes made imprints on the muddy surface. The teen did not really have an in mind. He just proceeded to barge into the circle. Holding his arms up, he began elbowing some of the kids. Marcus did all he could in order to become a distraction. The cold rain touched his skin as he took action. The first few elbow strikes were clean, but were followed by less effient hits. The kids realized they were getting attacked and began to retaliate. [/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/adOlLvA.png[/img][/center] [color=gray] The monster witnessed the impressive, lizard man running forward. It growled and began lifting another arm to stop the opposing force. Unforunately, he found his reaction to be a bit slow. Kurt's speed and overall size managed to bring the monster to its back. The freakish creature's back thudded on the mud. Water began to seep onto its body. [color=red]"Insolent reptile!"[/color] The monster growled and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Its arms began flailing in the air as it tried to fight off the lizard man. During its silence, the rain transitioned to a darker color. Despite the darkness that the woods provided, everyone could notice the slight change of color. Precipation turned to a reddish color-- blood was raining from the sky. [/color] [hider=Monster][img]https://i.imgur.com/WRSsUia.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][@t2wave][@LemonZest1337][@1Hawkeyes][/center]