[@Kazemitsu][@Zeroth] [color=pink]"Well maybe you just don't know how to talk to people, or monsters."[/color] She jeered at Asuna, her words quite condescending but designed purly as a friendly jab. Following forward with their plow, Edith did become quiet. They didn't have much then the darkness and eachother to keep themselves safe and for the most part, Edith felt exposed. She balled up and slid near Asuna merely for the proximity. She took observation of the area around her. Mold, Moss, but nothing else. Like everything was eaten, and the moisture was trying to grow things back. She nearly bumped into the ledge that would hold their goal but just instead seemed to bounce back. Then all of a sudden, [color=pink]"Is... that mom?"[/color] She said backing up in the blue slime's shadow. The rat squeaked and that made her squeak too. [color=pink]"Well... umm. Hello!"[/color] Edith started. [color=pink]"Asuna, is she? Can she talk?"[/color]