[h1][color=palegreen]Tony Kideyoshi[/color][/h1] Tony interacting with: [@Sazama][hr] Tony rolled his eyes, moving his whole head with it to exaggerate the movement. The usual give and take between the two was ca competition of teasing and jabs. Business as usual, all things considered. It was an unlikely friendship, most Guardians applicants were either too busy, or too proud of themselves to be caught belting backstreet boys at the top of their lungs at the Tipsy Dragon, but fastfoward a few months, and 'Everybody' was one of Tony and Anya's goto songs when they were drunk off their rockers. [color=palegreen]"hah hah,"[/color] Tommy replied sarcastically, [color=palegreen]"I'll have you know I only got my ass kicked [i]once[/i] today, but if you had to fight Hercules2.0 you'd get your ass handed to you too."[/color] Tony rubbed at his shoulder, massaging out the bruises and the hurt ego from the earlier workout session. Rickard [i]had[/i] really done a number on him earlier today. A couple Guardians recruiters from the London institute had been making the rounds, and many of the Auxiliaries, including Rickard, were keen on making themselves look good for the recruiters. Not that Tony himself hadn't partaken in the increased competitiveness between his comrades- he'd landed a few pretty nasty shots on some other cadets too, but Rickard really didn't mess around, not even with his friends. Tony was pretty set as far as Guardian training went- his grades were good, his physical and mental assessments checked out well, all he needed was a recommendation from another Guardian- aside from his father. But that was harder than it seemed- Professor Bianchi never told anyone whether or not he was writing them a recommendation, and Mr. Évora was of course, not allowed to play favorites and as a principle did not write recommendations for any of his students. [color=palegreen]"Anyways Jansport, plans for tonight?"[/color] he asked, waving the flier in his hand casually. [color=palegreen]"The Fitzroys are dicks, but at least the alcohol is cheap. Penn and the others are going too,"[/color] he added, mentioning the rest of their rather small group of karaoke regulars.