[@KatherinWinter][@Blueflame][@Searat][@LightningMaiden] As Argus dispelled the human guise across his entire body, revealing his true form in totality, a veritable wall of invisible heat burst away from his form. [b][color=a0410d]"Griffin, when you get to the surface call HQ, have them send out a prisoner transport van equipped with a class A magic suppression charm and UVC lights."[/color][/b] the Djinn requested, his voice reverberating through the tunnels now that his full power had been unleashed. With a roar, a gout of barely-visible flame gushed from Argus' mouth, unleashing the entirety of the liquid hydrogen fuel he had consumed in a torrent of scorching heat and ultraviolet radiation directed towards the shadow demon. As Argus ejected the burning fuel, his human shell reformed around his true Djinn body and he fell to the ground on his knees; panting and looking unusually pale. The Djinn reached into his freshly reformed jacket pocket, pulling out a block of charcoal and crushing it in his hand before dumping the contents into his mouth; after a few seconds, the color returned to his face and he stood up to examine the results of his attack. [color=a0410d]"Everybody okay?"[/color] he asked, still panting.