[center][color=Gold][h2]Goblin Barth[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][color=Gold]Day Five: Early Morning[/color] [hr] [@Crusader Lord][@Jangel13][@demonspade64][@ReusableSword] Barth was pleased by the results of his most recent plan. Even if some would chalk it all up to luck of the draw, everything he had done thus far had lead the spider directly into Nyma’s spear. He in fact was among those who believed that luck was on his side on this day and much like the wordless prayer he used moments ago he sent out a silent thanks to whatever deity had answered him. So far they had both managed to avoid any injury at the fangs of the spider and if his luck continued to hold steady they would make it through the rest of this with minimal injury. Rather than continue to mentally praise himself he turned his focus back to the task at hand. Following Nyma’s second successful blow to the creature it had quickly scuttled off back into the mass of trees and webs that surrounded the pair. His first instinct was to follow his gut and come up with another method to garner the critters focus. However this was taken over by Nyma this time as she altered his previous plan. There wasn’t much he could do to aid her in this endeavour as she set herself to task and he was at the moment weaponless so he couldn’t provide another point for the spider to impale itself upon. With the thought of his spear on his mind he cast his gaze towards where it had been thrown with the intent to retrieve it. The mass amount of webbing separating it from him threw a wrench into that course of action. Even if he had the strength to rip through them with his bare hands it would take too much time to be of any use. He would simply have to get it after the battle reached a conclusion. Unable to pursue that action he was left back at square one, which for the moment seemed to indicate sitting around and doing nothing. Just when he was about to satisfy himself with doing nothing he changed his mind as a thought occurred to him. In the event that Nyma’s plan only worked as well as the two prior attacks it may be beneficial to be in position to force the spider to remain in the open. Such as being able to jump down on top of it. He found a tree near Nyma’s position that not only had branches low enough to scale, but was rather scarce of webbing. He made his way over to it quickly and climbed to a branch that was hanging close to Nyma, but a few feet over her head. Getting comfortable as he could he remained completely prepped to leap down on it if it survived Nyma’s spear. [hider=Inv & Misc] [b]EXP:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] -Wooden walking stick/staff -Rudimentary Spear [b]Acquired Skills:[/b] -Knowledge Of The 3: Knowing the names of the god and goddesses of the world they live in they can now properly worship them. ***God of light Ramos he is the god of light and he gives us the very sun we see during the day he is purity itself and as such is mostly worshiped by most creatures in one form or another. ***Duvelna she is the goddess of death and night. She is death itself and must be respected if not feared. ***Shirila the goddess of the earth as she is the embodiment of the earth and life itself, she is also known as the eternal mother. -Fairy Knowledge: Now knows of the fairies (and nymphs) that inhabit the forest around him [b]Titles:[/b] [b]Blessings:[/b] [b]Curses:[/b] [/hider]