[i]Flashes of radioactive light danced across the darkened skies, day turning to night the closer one got to the ruined city just beyond. Like the bones of a long dead animal, the buildings that once teemed with life stood despite their ravaged frames. Each was scored and blasted open from the multiple strikes that hit the region in close proximity and bathed it in nuclear fire. For nearly a hundred miles in every direction there was nothing but blasted hellscape, the suburbs eroding into desolate warrens of ghouls, super mutants and those few raiders crazy or desperate enough to scratch out a living within. Closer though, the wall loomed. It was the only thing keeping the barely livable outskirts of New York City apart from what everyone simply called "The Necropolis". Few remember when or why it was built, only that it keeps them safe from what lurks within, and that to venture inside is death. Yet still there are those who dare. Raider gangs across the Eastern Coast make the journey with slaves in tow, or arm themselves up to the teeth to enter themselves all in the name of what may or may not be hidden within the city proper. Upon witnessing the perpetual radiation storm that lingers, most turn back unwilling to face the increasing radiation as one gets closer and closer to the wall itself. Some decide to settle the region, joining the other "Dead-landers" who sank into despair and now fight out a meager survival in their final days. Then there's those truly determined few. Those who either have nothing left to lose, have sank too far into their greed, or are too arrogant to believe the tales. To them, it matters nothing of the deadly radiation soaking the entire city, the still live ordnance embedded in the sides of buildings, or of the shadows lurking around every corner, only revealed with the flash of lightning. A promise of undisturbed treasures draws them into the Necropolis, of technologies waiting within sealed vaults and of course the city's own vault deep beneath the surface. Despite that no one has ever entered into the storm and returned, hundreds do so every year in the hopes that they may be the one who survives. All the while, the echoes of the Great War linger across the wasteland…[/i] [hr] So, this is essentially the background on my idea for an RP set in the Fallout universe, one that I've been thinking on ever since making the first foray into Fallout4's Glowing Sea. Something about taking on an entire urban environment in such a harsh and unforgiving landscape appealed to me, and now with a bit of a resurgence in interest in the franchise, I thought I would finally give it a try. For now, that's what I've got with the RP, as I want to leave a few things up to my potential playerbase. What you should know is this, as the above and the following will not change. Into The Storm will involve a group of players venturing into the Necropolis in the name of seeking out potential treasures and braving the threats within. It will be a deadly and testing environment, where at all times except in safe zones, everyone will be wearing some kind of radiation suit. Beyond that and the main plot for the RP, I am currently undecided on a number of things. First and foremost is how far I want to push the survival aspect. Obviously, this can go anywhere from a basic attention to it, to having long and detailed inventories for every player, and punishing people for the slightest lapse in attention. Personally, I prefer something a little closer to the middle, as I find that not everyone really enjoys such a hardcore experience, but again, that's up to popular vote. Secondly is exactly what the group should be composed of. I've got two different lines I can work with here, one being exactly as described above, a rag-tag group of mercs, raiders, desperate wastelanders, synths, ghouls, misguided vault-dwellers and even perhaps a super-mutant if I really like the concept behind them. The other option, would be a group of Brotherhood of Steel knights sent into the Necropolis on a mission to recover technology. Now, I've got some pretty neat ideas with both, and some shenanigans planned either way, but what I want to know are these three things: Interested? Level of Survival detail preferred? BoS or diverse party? Sidenote for that last one, is that I am open to BoS characters in the party in case the latter is chosen, but under about the same guidelines as accepting a supermutant into the party. Of course, I'm open to any questions or concerns on the RP, whether it be on the setting itself or potential characters. Leaving them here in the thread is preferable so as to involve the group and drive discussion, but my PM box is also open. [hider=Character Sheet] ((Picture of character if available)) Name: Age: Gender: Faction:(Not really the best term for it, but this is for what group your character is from. Things like if they are just a wasteland settler, a raider, perhaps a Minuteman who is [b][i]really lost[/i][/b] or what have you.) Physical Appearance: Psychological profile: Short History:(Include here a bit on your character's origins, what group they are from, and how they ended up in the Deadlands.) Skills: Equipment:[/hider]