Daelin placed Neale into an unused bunk and nodded to Noru. He studied everyone's shared mood. The anxious feeling was palpable. "The hell is wrong with you all?" He questioned the dour mood that had stricken everyone. "Are you stuck on what happened? We just saved a man from certain death and you're all depressed? Get real!" He shouted. "Right now we should focus." He pointed at their guest. "On him in particular and on getting to our destination." Zay may have been on edge but this didn't bother Daelin. He'd been through worse and everything he'd gotten through was worth a celebration. What did bother him was how the team was handling it. "Hell, I'd open a drink for y'all to share since we made it out of there but I didn't bring one." Daelin shook his head. "Shame on me." He turned to go to the ladder. "We all signed up for this. Complications ARE the job, otherwise there wouldn't be so many of us just to run between cities. Consider this event a warm up for the hell to come." He started his way up the ladder so he could continue to keep watch outside. "Harden your hearts people, we're not even half way there yet."