[center][b][u][i][h3]Outskirts of Blossomtown[/h3][/i][/u][/b][/center] (Another Collab post between myself and [@Mike the Bloodwolf] ) Lucemon ignored the words of Mike, as he tried to explain the reasoning for his suspicion of him. The reason of why was something he already knew, and something that he didn’t need to be reminded of. Even so, he had to simply bear it, as he let Mike wander to do what he would with his spies, while Lucemon and the others watches the Spectacle that befell the town. “[b]Wowza! Talk about a fireworks show! That was simply amazing![/b]” Demidevimon happily said. “[b]I must agree it was quite the spectacle. A fitting end for our visit to such a...bountiful land of flora. Combusting a town of plant life into a field of flames, if that does not greet all who look upon it with the fear of our mighty emperor, I know not what would.[/b]” Devimon then said with a sinister smile, extending one of his long arms towards the town, only to, from his perspective, crush it beneath a clenched fist. “[b]Hmph! A good plan maybe, but you guys are overselling the actual flames a bit. This is nothing; I would have turned this place into a hill of soot and ash if he wanted.[/b]” Meramon chimed in. Renamon, on the other hand, simply had her eyes closed as she stayed silent. “[b]...Even so, was this really necessary? Those digimon were all innocent people...[/b]” Wizardmon simply said as he stared at the blaze he helped to create. However, Witchmon suddenly placed her giant hand over his shoulder from behind. “[b]Oh come on, don’t act all broody on us now. You two did great! You burned the place to an inferno, provided cover for his majesty to escape, and all aimed exactly as the little boss wanted. Sure they’ve lost some of…..Ok, most of their homes….potentially all of them, but hey, they still have their lives, so they can rebuild...eventually.[/b]” She said, her razor-sharp teeth showing in her silly smile, a small black cat with yellow eyes meowing in agreement of what she said. As the Army continued their speaking with each other, Lucemon continues to stare towards the town, until he spots something from their heading straight towards them. “[b]HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!![/b]” Ty happily yelled with a smile as he rode the shopping cart back towards everyone, waving towards them as he did. As soon as he was with everyone else, he got off the cart, put his cape back on, his bat-medal back on his hat, and looked as the others were cheering their emperor for a success, Lucemon simply looking at them from where he was and smiling. “[b]Hey now, you guys did great! The timing of everything was absolutely perfect. Especially nice work from you, Mikey. This plan wouldn’t have gone as perfectly as it did without you or Wizardmon over here.[/b]” Ty said to him. --- Mike noticed Lucemon giving him the cold shoulder so Mike simply ignored him as he finished up what he was doing on his computer and closed it. Gabumon on the other hand, was distracted by the beautiful Renamon in the army, he was curious what a beauty like her was doing here so he slip away quickly and said to the Renamon “Hello Beautiful" Ty had returned and was congratulating Mike on a job well done. “Aww, Thanks Ty but even though we were successful here, I doubt the next encounter will be any easier. Things can travel quite quickly and I bet my bottom dollar that, someone already sent a message forward to the next town or settlement where the next crest is" Mike told him calmly. --- Renamon stared in silence at the Gabumon who clearly was trying to flirt with her. Wasn’t even attempting at being subtle about it either. “[b]...Hello.[/b]” She finally said, though closing her eyes as she did. “[b]Hoorah, Recognition![/b]” Ty simply said in response to Mike’s worry, a joyfully silly smile on his face. Lucemon, however, was not as amused. “[b]That’s nothing to be excited about Ty… Michael has a point; this incident will make things difficult for us from here on out. We must be cautious...[/b]” He said to them. “[b]...Oh, that reminds me, is Reapermon back yet?[/b]” Ty asked, seemingly ignoring Lucemon’s warning to him, resulting in Lucemon sighing and pinching the top of his nose in irritation. As if on cue, however, a giant black shadow descended from the sky and landed in the middle of the group. It seemed Reapermon managed to make a giant jump from wherever he was in town to this area...and somehow got his cloak back on him despite leaving it on the floor of Rosemon’s manor just before the fight. “[b]I am now...With a gift in hand.[/b]” He said, extending his only hand towards the two humans and opening it up to reveal the small green Crest of Sincerity, the entire army, even Renamon, looking at the tiny green tablet with awe. The Crests, after all, were believed to be legends, mere myths, for most of the army, this was the first time to ever witness one for themselves. Ty was quick to grab the little crest from Reapermon’s hand and held it up to the sun, as if to see it sparkle and shine. “[b]So...This is a crest? ...You sure this is what we’re looking for Lucy? I mean, ...It’s just a tiny little slab. Actually kind of looks like one of those very very old game cartridge back in like...the 70’s I think?[/b]” Ty said, mostly to Lucemon, but seemingly turning to Mike as he mentioned what the Crest looked like. --- When the Renamon said hello to him though he did notice, she had her eyes closed. “Aww come on beautiful no need to look glum, I promise to be good to you and do good to and for you" Wolfy said with a flirty wink before he was dragged away by Mike “Sorry Renamon” Mike said he dragged his partner away from a potential Diamond storm attack. His attention shifted back to Ty as he found himself chuckling at Ty laid back attitude towards potential danger. Though when Reapermon appeared, Mike took note that every one seemed to be watching him as he revealed the first of the crest which did in fact grab the attention of Mike and Wolfy who put aside his flirting to see the crest in awe. Mike took a chance to take a picture of Ty and the crest as he said “Looking good there Ty" When he spoke about what they looked like Mike chuckled once more as he said “Like an Atari cartridge, guess the digiworld was not aware that Atari singlehandedly almost killed the video game market until Nintendo saved it. So that kind of cartridge would cause a lot of hate in people, still how many of these crests are they? Are all of them Guarded by powerful Digimon?” --- “[b]Your random divulge of what I can only assume was game trivia is lost on me… In any case, do not let the appearance deceive you. That small stone slab is one of the single largest most complex caches of vital code and administrative data in this world.[/b]” Lucemon said, a sweatdrop falling from the back of his head with his first comment. “[b]Really? ...Umm, What kind of code are we talking here?[/b]” Ty asked, staring at the crest as he did. “[b]...Hmm, How to best describe this… As you may already know, we Digimon, in and of ourselves, are made up of complex programming data that make up our form and our artificial intelligence, yes? Well, to put it simply, Those crests contain foundational data that makes up fragments of our Artificial Intelligence, more specifically, emotional data. Within each crest is millions of strings of code that disperses outward and absorbed by our code, and through which, makes up the digital psychological makeup of each digimon. Each one manifests as a stone slab you see before you, and serves as the focal points for their respective emotional data. ...In other words, they are the essentially the reason we Digimon can think and feel just as you humans can. However, since the data is based on human emotions reactions and thought patterns, only Humans like you two can utilize them to their fullest potential.[/b]” Lucemon explained to the two. “[b]Their fullest potential…? What exactly are we supposed to do with it?[/b]” Ty asked. “[b]The Crests are focal points through which their respective emotional data would be absorbed from the human that uses it, the digivice converts it into raw data, and the raw data is shot out into their respective digital partner, amplifying their abilities to levels that could not otherwise be achieved. To put it simply: The crests are used by the Digidestines to strengthen their respective partners far beyond what the Digivice alone could achieve. ...Do you see that small glass circle just below your digivice’s monitor? That is called a Tag. It serves to synchronize the Crest data with the functions of the Digivice, allowing the Digivice to harness the Crest for new functions it couldn’t do without it. Simply slide it in, and let the digivice do the rest.[/b]” Ty listened to Lucemon, looking at the crest and then the small glass “tag” just below his digivice monitor. He then slid the Crest into the tag; immediately the Digivice turned on on its own, the words “Synchronizing...” displayed on the monitor. As Ty then began….apparently working on poses to use when he uses the Crest, Lucemon turns to Mike, as he asked about the other crests. “[b]...Ah yes, I forgot you were not briefed yet on the basics. There are 10 crests in total: Courage, Friendship, Knowledge, Reliability, Love, Hope, Light, Patience, Kindness, and the one now possess, Sincerity. As for if they are guarded by powerful Digimon or not, I cannot say. Normally the Crests are not supposed to be even seen by Digimon let alone used, as while humans can use them to their full potential it’s not impossible for digimon to use their power without a human and that is enough reason for this. They should all have been kept away from society, locked away until humans worthy of them are found. I don’t quite understand myself as to why Rosemon would have had the Crest to begin with...[/b]” Lucemon said, his hand raised to his chin as if contemplating. Ty, meanwhile, was now waving the digivice in the air and groaning as if trying to do something but couldn’t before walking back towards the two. “[b]...Umm...I don’t think this is working.[/b]” He said, as he showed the monitor, a big red “ERROR” on his monitor screen. “[b]Now that’s strange...it’s not synchronizing to the Digivice?[/b]” Lucemon asked. --- Mike listened to Lucemon explain the situation and the 10 crests that were in the world which made him tap his chin as he thought about it. His trail of though fell thought when Ty mention spoke up about the digivice and the crest not synchronizing. Mike thought about it before he said “Pass me the crest and your digivice Ty, I’ll connect them to my laptop and see what's wrong with the code" When Ty would do that, Mike would connect the digivice with the crest into his laptop as he began to go through the data and codes before he nodded and took out Ty Digivice popping out the crest as he said “The reason the crest is not synchronizing with your digivice is because you are not the true wielder of this crest. If I was to take a guess, I would say your heart is not Sincere enough to wield this crest and honestly I can tell I’m not the true wielder of the crest ether” ----- “[b]But if you said that honestly, doesn’t that make you sincere as well?[/b]” Ty was quick to say, tilting his head as he did. “[b]No, it’s as Michael said. The Digivices on your wrists are programmed to correspond and synchronize with one specific crest. Within each digivice is a code that is unique to each crest, and that code is what allows a digivice to synchronize with its respective crest, a security protocol ordained by God to prevent potential abuse of the crests.[/b]” “[b]Abuse?[/b]” “[b]What I mean is, it was enacted to prevent any one single human like yourself from being able to wield all of the crests as oppose to one, and should any rogue digimon ever decide to lay their hands upon it somehow, this would prevent them from having that much power as well.[/b]” Lucemon explained. “[b]Umm, so then how do we know we even can [i]get[/i] a Crest then?[/b]” Ty asked, looking at the Crest of Sincerity once more. “[b]Because you were chosen by the Digivice. Because each digivice has a code-link chaining them to a specific crest, it is capable of finding someone with that fits the criteria of a crest. That is why it opened the gateway to your world and brought both of you here. ...The problem is, because each crest has data existing in layers upon layers within itself, it is difficult to tell which code matches with which Crest; there is very little in the way of knowing until we find the matching crest for ourselves.[/b]” Lucemon responded. Ty looked at his digivice as Lucemon spoke, his free hand rubbing his chin. “[b]So if it’s not one of us... It has to be one of the others….OH! That reminds me. Hey, Mike, you sent one of those spies to that snowglobe thing right? Were there any new faces in there?[/b]” Ty asked Mike. --- Once again, going silent to listen to Lucemon explain and expand their mind more about the digivice and crests. Mike said “Well if it's as important as he says, I don’t think I trust you with a loose crest Ty". With that, Mike open his laptop and attempted to put the crest data on it though his laptop began to warn him about data overloads and the works. Mike sighed but knowing how important his laptop was to both Ty empire and Mike's own spy network. He took the crest and instead place it in one of his secure pocket of his cost where it could not fall out. Mike would then answer Ty question as he said “Well, Agumon is reporting no movement from the kids but Fridgemon did report some unusual mist gather in the snow globe which is putting Digimon in a deep sleep where nothing seems to wake them” --- .”[b]No movement from the kids? ...So they ARE here! Awesome! ...You hear that boys and girls!? The moment we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. The real fun starts now![/b]” Ty said, first to Mike, then turning his attention towards the army behind him, Raising his fist in the air as he makes his proclamation, the Digimon in his army roaring with a battle cry of excitement. “[b]...My my, you’re really getting into all of this.[/b]” Lucemon said, a sly smirk on his face as he crosses his arms. “[b]Of course! I’m the Digimon Emperor, what fun is running an empire without some challenging rebels to try and stomp?[/b]” [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/danganronpa/images/8/8f/Danganronpa_V3_Bonus_Mode_Kokichi_Oma_Sprite_%28Vita%29_%2816%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20180506070619[/img] “[b]Anyways, If they’re already here, then I’m betting they won’t be in that thing for very long, so we should probably get a move on. So, where to next, Lucy?[/b]” Ty then asked Lucemon. In response, Lucemon touched one of the holy rings on his wrists, closing his eyes as the markings in digi-code started to glow with a white light. “[b]To the south of us appears to be a temple that’s holding the Crest of Patience. Seeing as its not that far from where we are now, that should be our next stop. I know not what resides within, so we best remain cautious once we get there.[/b]” Lucemon said. --- Mike had to admit Ty enthusiasm about it was quite impressive though he though he had to bring Ty back to reality as he said “You may be excited about it all, but remember the Galactic Emperor from Star Wars? Though he could crush the rebels with ease and yet they were able to destroy both his death stars and were able to turn Vader on him which lead to his death” “Awww look at you being all cautious Lucemon, what happened to the I’ll burn and raze everything attitude you had at the start” Mike teased the fallen angel as he mentioned about the temple and to be careful. He then looked at the map on his laptop and said “Alright Ty, I’m going to need you to plant another flag at the base of the temple so we can see more of the digiworld and plot each of our moves carefully. After all, if these rebel as you call them have a Luke Skywalker like person among them, they’ll have the power of the light side of the force with them.” --- “[b]Blossomtown and the Crest of Serenity with it was guarded only by a single Rosemon and nothing else. It’s most likely that that town was not the place it originated from and could have been found by Rosemon in a more dangerous environment. This is a temple that is dedicated to a Crest, a place specifically created to house and protect that crest from anything that could want it. We knew what was in Blossomtown and so razing it was the most straightforward answer, We know nothing about this next location nor the others with it.[/b]” Lucemon explained to Mike. “[b]Yeah, but you know the difference between Darth Bubble-face and me? I have...1, 2, 3, ...4 Vaders, My stormtroopers aren’t nearly as pathetic, and my Death Star’s too valuable to destroy. Besides, How did that whole Light side thing work out for all the other jedi? ...Just saying, The light side might be just a tad overrated.[/b]” Ty said with a smile and a shrug, pointing towards Lucemon, Mike, Gabumon, and Reapermon as he counted. “[b]...Will the both of you please desist comparing our situation to nonsense?[/b]” Lucemon asked. “[b]Awww, You’re no fun, Lucy. Anyways, it’s too the south, right? Alright then, let’s get going. We’ll head for the temple to set up a nice little flag of dominion there, head in, grab the crest, and see if we get lucky with it this time. Now then, ...ATTEEEEENTION![/b]” Ty said and then yelled, most of his army immediately standing at attention. Ty then turned around and faced South before pointing his hand in that direction. “[b]FORWAAAARD, MARCH![/b]” Ty said as he began walking, Lucemon using his wings to float at Ty’s side, and the rest of his army immediately following suit.