[@Card Captor] [hr] [color=f26522]"Wow, it's almost like [i]I told you that was the most likely scenario,[/i] that your girlfriend [i]wouldn't[/i] be with the regular prisoners."[/color] Makoto practically spat at Alex. She may have gotten a boost from it, but she still didn't like that he had smacked her with spikes like that. [color=f26522][i]Let's see... The best way to handle this would probably be... Yeah.[/i][/color] Makoto turned back to the others. [color=f26522]"You two go on ahead. Or at least stay out of the way."[/color] she said, shooting Alex a glare as she did, before activating her Lure to get Sonia's full attention. A quick blow to the wall to her right left a large hole for the others to hide in, if it didn't connect to another area altogether. She stepped forward and gave another attack to the roof, giving Alex what he asked for before she faced toward Sonia and gave a simply "come on" motion with her fingers. [hider=Alexandrite II] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McFw6KGhdTw[/youtube] [/hider] [color=f26522]"A true hero will face down any villain!"[/color]