[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/S6xnXd2.png[/img][/center] [color=#e4e5e6]Flick looked up the sounds of the flock stirring. Dizzy approached him, optimistic for food. "No," Flick said briefly, handing the boy a fistful of hazelnuts and mulberries. Mal grumbled to life. She quickly brought up the argument to go into the city, citing the need for the food. It was an debate he'd been having with himself all night. Crash pitched in, and then, to his surprise, Rook. It seemed that they were a lot more open to the idea than he was. Flick knew he would soon be outnumbered. "I think we should go into the city," He said, his voice calm and slightly gravely. It always sounded like that; probably from lack of use. "We'll have to be very careful; no talking to or taking food from strangers." These guidelines were perhaps the most the boy had said since the escape. A sad fact, considering that he'd been much more vocal in the last three days. Perhaps now he just had more to say. He looked down at his own clothes: stained and torn scrubs, made of cheap, scratchy material. They stood out way too much for them all to go prancing into town at once. Perhaps he could go alone and find them some decent clothes. Or steal them. But then again, the idea of leaving the other kids alone worried him. Would they be okay? He guessed they'd cross that bridge when they came to it. Flick took the rest of the berries and nuts into the cave and laid them out. "We'll have to go soon. If we get there early, there won't be many people out." During his time...away, Flick had learned some basics about human society. People liked to sleep in. Cities didn't wake up until at least around seven. And now it was...five, maybe? He wasn't sure; telling time was one of his weak points. [/color]