Shrieks. Shrieks in the night. That was the first sign of Brannor's plan going right. The kobolds panicked as fire spread to their tent and threatened to leap onward to another as the heat rose. The burning shelter was vacated swiftly, but at first there seemed to be no attempt at actually doing anything to the fire. That was until two kobolds flew to scene from further in the "slums". Yes, flew. This pair sported wings on their backs. And the first thing they did was shriek from the bottom of their lungs to simply call the attention of the other scaled menaces. The looks they received were... conflicting. However, once they resumed from there by barking out orders in draconic, those on the ground soon found themselves listening to them. As the kobolds scurried in many directions in search of water, a few of the cult sauntered to the scene quite casually. Those nearby might be able to hear what they spoke over the shrieking, but Brannor was already gone by that point. What was important was their apparent disinterest to join in the saving effort. It was as if they had simply come to see the little ones suffer. To Brannor's luck, the few guards at the tent were more interested in the fire just as well, and though they did not move too far, the shrieking and occasional need to dodge two or three kobolds carrying a heavy bucket of water did distract them enough to allow the woodsman entry. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] [img][/img] [/hider] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Gordian Nought][@Norschtalen]