"Well, that's a motive for bombing one of Greene's areas. that's for sure, but I still don't quite understand everything that is invloved in tihs case... we should get over to his stall though. Tick is ticking, and if theres really a bomb there we will notice it. It would likely be the same model, considering that I dobut this area would have THAT many resources to create such a large variance of bombs. unless he's been hogging them for decades upon decades and only just began to plan this out. Something still... Bugs me about this case though. It just seems way too obvious. A tale of a insane man taking his anger out on his father and Greene by bombing them both and making it all disappear in one blow. It sounds like something out of a typical action movie, if i'm going to be honest with you." He'd laugh slightly, staring downwards for a few seconds before looking back up and walking closer and closer to the stall that they both owned. "Do you think we'll find anything in there?"