[color=orange][h1][center]Kurt Nichols - Wednesday Afternoon - Old Sol Museum[/center][/h1][/color] Kurt couldn't help but have a spring in his step as he headed towards DinoSol. When he was little, Kurt had an almost obsessive love of the giant lizards. Bed sheets, toys, books, clothes, movies: if it even tangentially related to dinosaurs Kurt had to do everything in his power to get his grubby child hands on it. Until late high school Kurt fully intended to be a paleontologist, but the cost of college and dire job prospects caused that dream to come crashing down. However none of that mattered now. Now he felt that childlike wonder welling up inside him as he approached the entrance to the exhibit. [color=gold]"DINOSOL - WHERE PAST MEETS PRESENT"[/color] decorated a large archway leading into a large domed room. Children and adults alike crowded around skeletons of theropod dinosaurs, with a large Allosaurus dominating the middle of the space. Kurt hypothesized that the room must have been a planetarium at some point in the past, with the large dome that once allowed room for model planets now housing the bones of long-dead giant lizards. Kurt couldn't help but walk around in slack-jawed awe at the exhibit. The museum boasted several nearly complete skeletons of small dinosaurs: a velociraptor with a lengthy description of how the raptors from [i]Jurassic Park[/i] looked nothing like their real-world counterparts, a protoceratops guarding it's nest of fossilized eggs against an oviraptor, and even more exhibits ranging from Tyrannosaurus teeth you could hold to plesiosaurs hanging from the ceiling in a facsimile of swimming. All of this was only the entry room, the exhibit snaked through a majority of the rear half of the East Wing. Kurt was in heaven and set off to get his fill of big ol' lizards. Kurt spent nearly an hour and a half milling around DinoSol. For a fleeting moment he was a child again, running around full of awe and excitement. For a fleeting moment he forgot about work, about rent, about still not finding a solid friend group in Sol, about the dull ache in his heart that has been consistent since his mother passed. However as he walked away from the remains of towering beasts he felt these thoughts and feelings beginning to creep back in. Kurt, however, found another way to keep these feelings away. The Old Sol Museum Gift Shop. After checking the time he began to mill around the postcards, snow globes, model planes, and other museum accoutrement. That's when Kurt spotted him. He was sitting near the back, in the "buy it before it's gone" section. Kurt thought he was perfect in every way, dumbfounded that anyone had let such a specimen stay unclaimed for so long. Kurt simply had to had him. [center][hider=The lad][img]https://www.everythingdinosaur.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Therizinosaurus_soft_toy.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] It was a plush of Kurt's favorite dinosaur: the therizinosaurus. These large theropod dinosaurs where herbivorous, and used their large sickle shaped claws for both protection and maneuvering plant matter closer to what Kurt affectionately referred to as "their big dumb face". Kurt slowly made his way towards his prize, pretending to look at various other wares along the way. It was all a ruse though, as his one goal was the stuffed dinosaur. After what seemed like an eternity Kurt had the plush in his hands and made a bee-line for the check outs. He quickly paid the casheer, placed the stuffed dinosaur into a bag, and headed out of the museum. After exiting Kurt realized that he still had a majority of the evening to enjoy for himself. Getting off work early was powerful magic indeed. Once again the feeling of having no clue what to do set in as Kurt felt the near infinite possibilities stretch before him. [color=orange]"I could grab a cup of coffee..."[/color], Kurt mused to himself, [color=orange]"Nah, coffee doesn't sound good. And besides, I get paid to sit around and drink coffee at work, why would I wanna do it in my free time?"[/color] Kurt felt the weight of his yet-to-be-named plush dinosaur in the bag that hung loosely from his hand. That's when it hit him: why should his nostalgia trip stop here? Kurt had heard of an arcade near by. An honest to God arcade. He hadn't been to one since the one near his hometown closed in elementary school. With the rest of his evening planned and a smile spreading across his face, Kurt set off towards the Nova Wave Arcade.