[b]Name:[/b] Subject Rho, or just Rho [b]Appearance:[/b][hider=In his combat suit][img] http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/281/9/4/warframe_loki_by_noireru-d6po6af.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 20, or thereabouts [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Side:[/b] System [b]Race:[/b] Project [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Adaptive Camouflage-[/i] An advanced form of active camouflage, when active Rho’s Adaptive Camo renders him as close to true invisibility as physically possible. Unlike Active Camo it doesn’t suffer from the problem of a shifting background, and so Rho is able to be cloaked even if running at full sprint. [i]Kinetic Strikes-[/i] Using this ability Rho is able to focus absorbed ambient energy to amplify his strikes, both armed and unarmed, enough to shatter most metal and kill a living organism, with the right hit, in a blow [b]Bio:[/b] Abducted at an incredibly young age by the System, Rho was more or less raised in a lab, all the various experiments and tests became the everyday, his designation became his name. As he grew the experiments became more, sinister. With alarming frequency stepped up a rigorous augmentation cycle, they began to replace various bones with Bio-augmented copies; they weaved wiring into his muscle structure, which connected back to the augmented bones. This procedure left Rho covered in various surgical scars and his eyes glowing a muted electric blue, but the end result is what counted. It was soon reveled that Rho was now able to pull from the ambient energy around him, draw it into his body and focus it into abilities. The first manifested itself early, disseminating the energy throughout his body, Rho was able to shift the opaqueness of his body and the light beams around it, rendering himself and certain attuned items next to invisible. The second took longer to manifest than the first, needing a catalyzing force to allow it to realize its full manifestation. This catalyst took the form of a fight between the young Rho and another, older, Augment. The fight started over a trivial matter, but it soon spiraled out of control and Rho found himself fighting for his life. As the fight progressed Rho started losing, that was however until he landed a desperate blow into the other Augment’s chest. There was a near thunderclap of sound and the Augment was sent careening backwards, only Rho was left standing, small electric like sparks jumping between his fingers. Further tests and studies found that Rho had focused the energy stored within him to amplify the kinetic force to a level where that one punch, as uncoordinated as it was, was still highly lethal. From that moment on his path was set, he was crafted as a warrior and an assassin, using his abilities to great effect in the field, hunting down those who the System decided were “High risk” targets. Yet, like all Projects Rho has always wondered what lies beyond the System, and has shown the will to try and slip out of the System's control before. [b]Extra:[/b] [i]Maelstrom-[/i] A double bladed staff weapon, Rho's signature weapon it is attuned to his Adaptive Camouflage and Kinetic strikes. In his hands it is a weapon of brutal effectiveness and grace. [i]Type-II Chitin armor-[/i] Advanced Reactive armor, the Chitin is a prototype armor that was built to augment Rho's stealth and combat longevity abilities while allowing him to retain maximum flexibility, as such it is also attuned to his Camouflage and Strikes. It houses multiple sensors such as, motion sensors, and proximity sensors. It also has magnetic clamps for the Maelstrom in it collapsed state, Rho's pistols, Knives, and extra ammunition for the pistols. To augment his fighting abilities he also carries two high powered, suppressed pistols and a variety of combat knives. He is also considered one of the best at hand to hand combat and most full sized firearms.