"Of course, Meesei," Fendros said. He stood back to allow space for the portal. Marod's smile widened a fraction upon shaking Neesa's hand, even if she did not take the further step of sharing her name. "Nothing is accomplished without trying, I should think," he said. "Why, I dare call it brave to take a stand like you do-" "Yes, yes, Marod," Lunise interrupted, having mostly recovered from Neesa's entrance. "Your silver tongue ever does shoot for ways to get something out of people. But, for once in your life, could you shut up so we can get this over with?" Marod's smile did not fade. He lifted an eyebrow at Lunise. "Nothing wrong with making friends, Lunise." Lunise stood up to stand near Meesei as she began her portal. "You have no idea, Marod," she said wearily, looking ahead. Rather than keep the argument going, Marod simply held his head back and pulled an unsure frown. Thanks to Neesa's boost of magical power to the portal -- a detail Marod visibly noticed -- the silence did not last longer than it took for them to walk through. They arrived in the same windowless meeting room as before, greeted coldly by a similar pair of guards to before, and joined by the same officials as before, without Teroiah amongst them. The dark-haired and dour Siloune regarded them all with quick looks. "You've arrived in sufficient order," she began, skipping pleasantries. "We shall need all your names and relations to today's proceedings. Champion, introduce your witnesses."