[center][img]https://vgy.me/Mlcx1h.png[/img][/center] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/85/fa/73/85fa7325b2c7c7481ae991a38bd234fc.jpg]Captain Urdessa Sardis[/url] had been screaming at her crew for the last few minutes, shouting order after order to get the ship ready, while fending off the Reavers, while assuring that all of the crew and cargo are back safely. The captain served during the Oblivion Crisis and Expansion War, so she took to her position quite well. [color=orange]"I want to know the very instant we have everyone checked in! I don't care! Save as many as you can!"[/color] [color=brown]"Captain! We got alarms on the Research Deck!"[/color] [color=orange]"We have alarms all over the damn ship!"[/color] She growled. [color=orange]"Fibra!?"[/color] The Ku scientist was already going through the monitors, her screen flashing. [color=aqua]"Im looking I'm! YAAH!"[/color] She looked at the bloody room on the security room. [color=aqua]"We got causalities! We got a problem!"[/color] [color=orange]"What now! Dammit!"[/color] She took a moment, getting her personal radio on the line. [color=orange]“Anasazi, can you accompany a security detail to check out the problem? Fibra, monitor the deck, find out what it is.”[/color] [color=aqua]"Yes mame..."[/color] The doctor went about checking the video feeds and paused when [color=aqua]"What the? Altari? Altari!"[/color] She tried to get him on the radio. She tried to get him but something was really wrong. [hr] [@Seirei No Hai] The blood bath took place in one of the research rooms. It was held for the 'Anomaly' Research Team. They were already on the ship when Altari was assigned. They were there the entire time. But they havent been seen recently, not since before the Gate was grounded in its decrepit sleeping state. Thinking back, Altari wouldn't be able to remember a single face or name of any of them, nor could he recall exactly when they left. Not an important feature now. Their labs were filled with all manner of things dedicated to theoretical research. The gore stained computer panels and chalk boards held various mathmatical formulations and references to Essence procedure that even he would have trouble understanding at a glance. There was photos of what appeared to be something organic, but everything else about it seemed to defy description or composition. While he was in the area, the equipment of the former crew represented atleast methods to defend himself but obviously it didn't help them in this instance. He'd know the paths on this level, everything up to the end of the hall. The massive sealed gate leading to the containment portions and the secondary research levels. Beyond his security level. It was a long run back to where he entered. [@Doll Maker] Anazasi would meet up with a team of three other [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b4/d0/68/b4d068c088888f7b90d2d4cd9bffecb1.jpg] soldiers. [/url] Unlike the paid mercenaries, this security team was the last few members still assigned to the ship. It was a military vessel after all. They met at the entrance to the deck, just at the elevator lift. They were notified of their 'peculiar' attendant. [color=olive]"Coming in with us sir?"[/color] The sergeant asked him, not exactly burly like a normal soldier would be but there was a confidence around him as he looked over a map of the ship. [color=olive]"Well enter at the scientist's barracks and move right into labs. The the containment is at Deck 3, and lets hope to the gods it doesnt get to 4 or lower."[/color] With that, two of them loaded their guns and the last one seemed to be equipped with some kind of flame unit. He had a medical pouch along with the perpetual glow of an essence battery locked onto his hip. A specialty unit, maybe a medic. The elevator lift stopped and they ran through the mostly deserted deck before reaching the stairs that led down to the research labs. From here on, there were labs on their left and right, behind locked doors but these could be opened at any time really. Within there was the remains of what the scientists were experimenting on, but other than that no sign of anything... yet. [@FallenTrinity] There was many places to hide in this prison of metal. There was the hallways, the ventilation shafts, the shafts that went from one deck to the other. By this point the Deck should have went into full containment mode, but 'serendipity' was on its side. There was also others like the room he was in, some dark, some bright, some locked. There was a few more containment chambers like the one that was his prison. There was even a room that held such things... shapeless things waiting, dead and forever entombed in glass. So many new, horrible things, and the creature would remember getting poked and prodded by them endlessly before this moment. Now all that was with him was the stench of iron and the noises down the hall...