[center][color=cyan][h3]Aiden Moseley[/h3][/color] _______________________ Smoke rose from the scarlet train on Platform Nine and Three Quarters in the sunny morning of September first. The platform was crowded, bustling with various witches and wizards and their families and they attempted to send their children to school. Aiden stood with his cart in front of him, hands resting on the cold metal bars of the cart as he looked at the train with a happy smile on his face. He'd been waiting all summer just to go back to Hogwarts, and the day had finally come. Aiden couldn't wait to get there, already hungry for the spectacular welcome feast that he knew was probably being prepared right now by the school's large number of house elves. [color=lightblue]"Don't forget to write,"[/color] His mother, who was sporting dark purple hair that day and matching colored eyes(her usual look) said with a small smile, squeezing her son's shoulder briefly. [color=limegreen]"Yeah and don't let none of them pansy wankers get to you either, or I'll be sending them a knuckle sandwich once I find an envelope big enough,"[/color] His father growled with a frown, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his robes as his short black hair ruffled slightly with the breeze. Aiden smiled, hugging each of his parents,[color=cyan]"I'll write you both soon, and I'll try Dad, no promises,"[/color] Aiden said with a slight shake of his head, amused by his father's choice of wording. Aiden had always been more like his mother, they'd both been Hufflepuffs after all. His father was a former Slytherin, but he was one of the good ones, a rarity. Aiden began walking to the train, Momo hooting excitedly from inside his small cage. His large eyes appeared excited as they usually did, his head swing this way and that on his tiny body as the owl tried to look at everything. [color=cyan]"Don't get too excited Momo, we aren't there yet,"[/color] Aiden said as he finally reached the train, grabbing his trunk, broom, and cage from the car and hauling it onto the train carefully. Looking back, Aiden saw his parents still standing there, watching him. Waving one last time, Aiden turned his attention to the train corridor and to finding a place to sit. After ten minutes of searching though, Aiden only found one compartment, and it was already spoken for. An unfamiliar girl sat inside, with curly blonde hair and large blue eyes. Her nose was currently stuck in a book, and Aiden hoped not to disturb her, but he had nowhere to sit. Sliding the compartment door open slowly, Aiden smiled politely and cleared his throat. [color=cyan]"Everywhere is full up, mind if I join you?"[/color] ×××××××××××××××××××××××× [color=deeppink][h3]Annabeth Daniels[/h3][/color] They day had started off slow, a casual breakfast shared between Annabeth and her parents over coffee as they slowly woke up and prepared for the morning ahead of them. Annabeth had inherited her love of nighttime from her parents, neither one of them morning people, so breakfast was usually a mostly silent affair. Annabeth didn't mind though, as she usually spent the time reading the Daily Prophet, same as her parents. They got two seperate papers delivered because of it, since they all read the paper actively(her father read the mugged paper). When they'd arrived at the platform hours later, her father once again began asking her question after question about the magic behind the train. Annabeth didn't know the answer to many of his questions, and so soon he stopped asking. It was still amusing to her, how fascinated by magic her father was. If he hadn't have married a witch, he never would have even known magic existed, and now Annabeth was in her second to last year at Hogwarts, soon she would be done with school. Thirty minutes later after hurried goodbyes, Annabeth had lugged her trunk and other things including her cat's traveling case into the only empty compartment she could find. Her cat Lila, who hated being caged, was instantly set free and curled up on the seat beside Annabeth, soaking in the sun that spilled on the seat as Annabeth poured over her new schoolbooks. She loved getting a bit ahead before the start of the year, and had already finished reading her new Charms book. Now, she was studying her new Transfiguration book with rapt attention as Lilah snoozed. [color=cyan][i]"Everywhere is full up, mind if I join you?"[/i][/color] The voice had pulled Annabeth out of her reading, and the blonde girl looked up cruously as she made sure to mentally remember where she'd left off at. Standing in the doorway was a strange boy with blue hair, Annabeth didn't know his name but she'd seen him walking the hallways of Hogwarts before. She knew he was in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, but that was all she knew about him. Nodding her head simply, Annabeth said nothing and returned her attention go her reading as the strange boy walked into the compartment and slid the door shut behind him. He the places his trunk and broomstick up in the luggage rack, opening his tiny owl's cade and letting the small animal free before placing the cage in the luggage rack as well. The small owl made a small hooting sound, clearly pleased, and drawing Annabeth's attention away from her reading once more. [color=deeppink]"Oh my goodness, that has got to be the [i]cutest[/i] owl I've ever seen in my life! He's so little, what's his name?"[/color] Annabeth gushed with bright eyes as she put her bookmark back into her book to make her page, closing it and setting it on the opposite side of her, away from Lila. The cat was still snoozing, unaware of the new arrivals to the compartment. [/center]