The year is 2015 the next holy grail war was about to start once more with the church, and mage association preparing to take on new masters, and heroic spirits they were naively blinded by the fact that there were still people out there who were willing to exploit the grail. Many years have past since the Fuyuki Grail War, and with the loss of the greater grail more smaller grail wars had been propping up all over. A small faction in Poland known as the Grey Family have summoned several servants in violation of the Grail War's rules. It's intent is unknown but the Grey Family were known as mage supremacists, and it is speculated they wish to use the servants, and the grail in order to win over the world to their way of thinking. They have held fast in a castle forming battle strategies as the mage association prepares itself to deal with the threat. Scouts sent to deal with threat were met with swift brutal retaliation and as such the only way to deal with this threat is to summon more servants to combat the 'Red' Faction. Met with fierce resistance initially the mages association has finally come to a conclusion that the threat in question must be dealt with. As such they had sent calls to several different magi be it allies of the Association, or mercenaries. The church has also proclaimed it's support for the Mage Associations 'Black' Faction as the brutality of Red has proven both disgusting, and an insult to the rules of the grail war. Hoping to wipe out the enemy faction the mages are gathering in London to summon their servants. The clocktower seeks to assist the mages in their attempts at destroying Red Faction before they arrive in Poland in order to defeat enemy summoners. Ruler has said to have already arrived in Poland to await what is to happen. Today the mages that have agreed to assist the Church, and the Mage Association have gathered today in the Clocktower to begin the operation to take down the family Grey. === Rules: 1. All Standard Roleplay Rules Apply. Power Playing, God Modding, and other assorted non-sense is not allowed. 2. No over powered servants. Demi-Gods, and servants such as Gilgamesh, Beserker Hercules, and folks of that nature are not allowed. I can't have unkillable servants that make everyone else pale in comparison. Ask before you pick a servant, and I'll help you with them if need be. 3. I must approve of your characters personally before allowing them into the roleplay. Characters not approved do not get noticed in the IC. Post characters in the OOC before approval. 4. PVP is allowed however BOTH parties must agree to the battle. However we're on the same team I'm not sure why'd you want to maim each other. 5. Everyone starts with three command seals. 6. 2-3 Noble Phantasm limit on Servants whom are not canon. This is to prevent power playing, and shenanigans. I may be considerate of three if the servant warrants it. Remember in the show at least the noble phantasm is suppose to be a defining aspect of the legend of the servant. 7. I reserve the right as gm to reject characters for any basis. Be it for personal conduct, or roleplay reasons. ==== Servants current active to Servants: [url][/url] Saber: Knight of the Lake Lancelot Archer: Reserved Lancer: The Hero of Troy Hector Rider: Caster/Foreigner: The Dark Writer Poe Assassin: The Old Man of the Mountain Berserker: The Deranged Worshiper of Artemis Atalante You may reserve a spot in case anyone drops out or can't finish a cs. ===== Character List: Leon Winchester - VanceXentan ==== NPC List: Director Lord Orson Archibald ll ==== Character Sheets: Magi Sheet: Name: Nicknames: Age: Gender: Master of: Command Seal Location: Origin: Appearance: - Personality: Biography: - Magecraft Section: School of Magecraft: (what type of abilities do you study specifically see above magecraft link) Skills/Spells List: (Please include how many times you can cast specific spells) Amount of Magecraft Mana: (A-E) (A being top tier mages like Rin, and Kayneth. E tier being Shirou, and Shinji. D-C is average) Other: (for anything that I may have missed) ======= Servant Character sheet: Class Name: Nicknames: Alignment: Servant of: Weapon(s): Wish: Abilities List (See below Skills, and class abilities) [url][/url] Skills (Custom ones are allowed if character is different class from canon, or custom Rate A-E): Class Abilities: Base Parameters: (Rate them A-E. Normal Human (or humans that actually existed) Servants will rarely have certain attributes above C unless their history, or tales depict them of being able to use one of them very handily) Strength: (筋力, Kinryoku?): Bodily might in terms of power. Endurance: (耐久, Taikyū?): How much damage one can withstand. Agility: (敏捷, Binshō?): Quickness and speed of reaction. Magical Power: (魔力, Maryoku?): How much magical energy can be handled. Good luck: (幸運, Kōun?): The quality of one's luck. Noble Phantasm: (宝具, Hōgu?): The strength of the Noble Phantasm one owns. While the ranking will often match their strongest Noble Phantasm, it will sometimes only reflect a secondary Noble Phantasm, or display a ranking higher or lower than their available wares. Noble Phantasms: ([url][/url]) Name: Quote: Rank: Type: Range: Description: True Name: (can be put in hider for those who don't wish to show it to others, and you should link a bio if available) Appearance: