[center][color=D5FF00][i][h1]Mali Anson[/h1][/i][/color][hr][b]Location:[/b] Queensguard [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] [color=D5FF00]"Well you can text her or something right? Or send an email? Some way to contact her in a way that wouldn't immediately give away her position. Just saying that it'd be really bad to just up and leave without telling her where we're going or why."[/color] Not to mention it'd be super rude. Imagine going out to a house party with your friends. Things aren't going fantastic, but they could be a lot worse. You've had a few drinks, and then suddenly you feel it right in your bladder. Naturally, you let your buddies know you're leaving to release the pressure. A few minutes later when you get back, they're just gone. What conclusion are you supposed to draw from that? As far as you can tell, they just up and ditched you to go do anything else with and other person the first chance the got. Suddenly, you're questioning the entire history of your relationship with them. Maybe you've always been that one friend nobody ever wanted to hang around with, and they laughed at you behind your back this whole time. Or you've always smelled of armpit, and nobody ever bothered to tell you to your face. The longer you're left to your own thoughts, the worse the explanations you can create get. Next thing you know, you're curled up in your car outside the house crying to yourself while two cars down there's a couple getting it on loud enough that you can hear it even over your own tears and you can't help but be annpyed that you can't even have a moment of self-pity without a couple of asshats interfering. Of course that probably wouldn't happen with Zoie, but it's still a dick move to try leaving without informing all involved parties beforehand. Fortunately, she didn't have to worry about that, because that's when the person in question decided to make her unceremonious reappearance. The blood, her air of nonchalance and the ensuing conversation left Mali in an odd place. She wasn't sure how she should react to the knowledge that her date just casually murdered a couple of people in cold blood. Part of Mali tried to tell the rest of herself not to jump to conclusions without much success. Another, much larger part of herself asked if the apparent crush she had was [i]really[/i] such a good idea. And she couldn't really answer. Any internal bickering was shut down when the word "sewer" popped up. She really didn't want to go through the sewers. She was wearing these nice, fancy clothes that Zoie had spent a lot of money on, and they'd just be totally ruined. Not to mention how gross the whole idea was. Mali was wearing open toed shoes. Nope. Not getting poop water all on her toes. Yet despite every fiber of her being rejecting the idea, she knew that the night would end up with trudging through sewer tunnels. [color=D5FF00]"Come on,"[/color] Mali said, every word coming out of her mouth with all the energy of a birthday cake knocked off the dining room table. [color=D5FF00]"Let's get going to the sewers. The less time we spend here, the better."[/color]