Alice nodded slightly to Dalton. Watching the scene unfold in terror, the tailor questioned why she was here. She cursed her foolishness to go down that alley with Liam and her romantic notions that had lured from safety. Wringing her hands, the raven haired tailor winced as Aleera was punched and stabbed. Comforted by Dalton's presence she decided not to set Liza on him. The tailor had been considering it, but Alice didn't have it in her. It would hurt Liza and more than that? Dalton was actively trying to keep her out from the fight. A good thing too as she had no experience in such a thing. "Thank you." Alice whispered the man with glowing golden eyes. "Shouldn't you help them however? I can slip back into the party. He won't be able to do anything without revealing himself-?" It was a weak offer, but the newest made of the vampires winced as Aleera stood up. The pale woman looked worse for wear and her clothing was... It was absolutely sinful! Such a waste of fabric from all three. "Doesn't anyone know how blood ruins cloth?!" Alice hissed her irritation. "Really!" Her foot tapped in rapid irritation, though she did little else aside from shrink further behind Dalton.