[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s19.postimg.cc/cipndh6gz/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=f7941d]"Hey, everyone has a different definition of the word dirty... Just mine isn't exactly like most people,"[/color] he said giving her a smile before looking over at Guin. [color=f7941d]"I don't see why not, and which park would you prefer to go to? And please, don't have J.A.R.V.I.S. throw together some whacky presentation about which is better. Just tell me which one you would want to go to, it would make my life a whole lot easier."[/color] Lance crossed his arms, letting out a sigh. He had completely forgotten about that, and he hadn't really wanted to bring it up anyway. The idea of it was a little weird to him, but he didn't care. His dad clearly thought that he should have mentioned it, despite what went through his mind regarding it. [color=yellow]"Look, it's no big deal alright... I kind of forgot about it until you just now mentioned it..."[/color]