Skaldi recovered himself, having been thrown aside by one of the concussive force of one of the Dragon Ogre's lightning blows. Any man of the empire or Kislevite horseman would have been broken, but the Dawi were made of stubborn stuff. He cursed in Khazalid, and set his jaw firmly, eyes blazing. The Dragon Ogre itself was preoccupied. Distracted was a better term, the bolt that had shorn off a bit of its skin causing it to glare balefully at the witch. Skaldi was of one of the Elder races, learned in old lore. What was history and legend to them, was myth to the men of the group. Dragon Ogres were known only by the darkest stories of Chaos. Cyrdic was no scholar, but he had heard many of the legends. If what he knew about Dragon Ogres was true, then this beast they faced was likely older than civilization itself, and its lifespan would likely outlast the world. Konrad had been obliterated, and Luka had been maimed. Ivan stayed by his comrade as he lay bleeding to death on the ground. Dietrichia began to incant once more, her eyes full of wild fear. Cyrdic had just thrown himself out of the way of a blow that shattered stone, catching himself on a boulder. He searched for Camilla, and saw her on the ground behind one of the larger rocks, clutching her sword. He saw she was alive, and that was enough. Ivan too. His eyes fell to Dietrichia, and he saw her glow with power. His eyes must have been playing tricks upon him, for he saw the very air twinkling around the sorceress before a wind that tore at even the rocks ripped across the landscape, contained within the area of the Dragon Ogre. The creature seemed nearly unaffected, its body growing rigid and its clawed feet digging into rock as it roared its own spell, the language archaic and unintelligible, but the force of the chaos within it began to tug at Cyrdic's sanity. Suddenly the hurricane winds were shattered, and Dietrichia was thrown back into the crags like a tossed doll. Yantz was now on the ground, curled into the fetal position as his eyes bled from being within too close proximity to the chaos spell woven by the beast. He looked alive, though. Cyrdic hoped the sorceress was. He gripped his runic sword, his teeth bared as he gathered his strength and leaped at the Dragon Ogre, his sword turned into an overhand grip. His runic sword plunged into the creature's thigh, digging deeply. With a brutal roar of pain, its gaze fell on Cyrdic with hatred. The very gargantuan, human head opened its gaping maw to reveal teeth like a rabid wolf's, and reared its head back as if to bite Cyrdic, hefting its hammer. The Ostlander tore his sword out of the beast to defend himself, certain he couldn't block a hammer blow directly. "No!" Camilla screeched from the side, simultaneously a cry in Khazalid announced Skaldi from behind. His bearded axe chopping into the otherside of the Dragon Ogre, cutting into its midsection below its legs. Cyrdic rolled, the hammer blow now clumsier but still lethal. It missed Cyrdic, but the weight of the blow sent him spinning into the gravel of the landscape heavily, unable to tell up from down. All he knew was that if they couldn't think of something, they would all die here. "Ve maust flee!" Ivan called out, dimly heard over the roars and crack of stone. He looked about ready to charge in a second time if they were not able to run, or more likely to give the others time to. Cyrdic would not let the big man do that for him, though he couldn't argue with the man's fears. [@Penny]