[b]Ally Taylor[/b] She holds her hand in front of her mouth from surprise. "Almost stabbed you? That must have been a terrifying moment for both of you!" She looks towards her bags. "That would be nice" She puts her hand on the bag she had on her back and looks into Trents eyes, seeing that he must be a good person. Then she moves her glance to Willow. "I get the feeling not being able to control it," she laughs while she points with her head towards her tail, "but it must be hard if your power hurts people... Maybe we can try together to get our powers under control". She smiles at the two, happy that she made friends already. "But... what was your question then?" she asks at Trent as she tilts her head to the side like an animal would. Her tail waving back and forth in the wind out of curiosity. [@DarkHuntress]