[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [/center] The cabin was lit by half light of the sun streaming through a small porthole. It's stale and musty air was tinged with the omnipotent taste of salt. Wood staves creaked and groaned with the gentle rocking of the ship, providing a discordant chorus. A lone figure, standing straight and tall, interrupted the light's path, sending his shadow sprawling across the floor. A silent tension lay over him. His breath was steady, a gentle, rhythmic ebb and flow. Around him, a gentle silver mist swirled in time with his inhale and exhalation. The amount of magic gathered in the room was visible to the naked eye in the form of that mist. Fractured images, like shards of a mirror, danced within the roiling mist, reflecting the inside of the cabin and it's occupant. Tenrou Island was near. Ferrin could feel it. He felt a blanketing calm cover him, fill him. A stillness broken only by gentle sounds of life and the creaking chorus of the ship. He discarded unnecessary thoughts. He discarded unwanted feelings. He discarded sight. He discarded hearing. He discarded taste, touch, and smell. Only the magic remained. Seething and surging. Life itself. He focused his mind solely on his control. He held the trance-like state as he opened his eyes and with slow, dream-like motions, readied himself. Pants, Shirt, socks, shoes, and finally, his donned his Armament, the enchanted coat that had seen him through many battles and had preserved his life on numerous occasions. A flash of requip magic brought Shiden, his trusty sword, to his hand. he inspected it's glimmering length and razor-sharp edge. He gave it an experiential flourish, listening to it rend the air. Satisfied, he dismissed it, sending it back to it's magical storage dimension. He was ready. With a relaxed exhale, he also dismissed the gathered magic mist, which quickly dispersed into nothing. Wrapping his blanket of calm around his shoulders, like a mantle. With purposeful motions, he opened the door, passed through the hall and strode out into the sunlight. And promptly collapsed on the deck. [color=silver]"It is...so hot."[/color] Ferrin gasped. The air was still and humid and the sun's heat mercilessly beat down on the ship. And in the thousand degree heat, he was wearing a heavy coat and a metal arm. [color=silver] "Nopenopenope."[/color] Ferrin muttered, dragging himself back into the relative coolness of the shade. He stood up and swung off his coat. Out of a pocket, he produced a felt pen and then used it to draw a rune on the inside of his coat. He stuck the pen behind his ear and placed his metal palm on the rune. [color=silver]"Rune magic,"[/color] He chanted. [color=silver]"Regulare Cauma."[/color] The was a quick rush of magic and when he removed his palm, the activated rune gently glowed silver. Ferrin slipped his coat back on and sighed in relief. [color=silver]"Ahh, much better."[/color] He sighed. The rune regulated heat, which meant that he could stay cool even in the hot sun while wearing a heavy coat. He spotted Sasha, the driving force behind this expedition, in conversation with another girl and what appeared to be a strange cat. He raised an eyebrow and meandered over, catching the last part of what Sasha was saying. [color=silver]"With the caliber of wizards gathered here, I would be more worried about making sure the island is safe. If it is still there by the end of this, I will be quite surprised."[/color] He called, opting for his signature wisecracks. The magus stopped beside her, giving the two females a nod. He folded his hands behind his back and greeted then. [color=silver]"Good morning."[/color] He said to them with unusual friendly cheer. Then his expression turned almost comically puzzled. [color=silver]"I think it is morning. Is it still morning? ...yeah it's morning, jury is still out on the good part though. Good morning."[/color] He repeated, flashing both of them a genteel smile. It looked a little strange and out of place. A careful observer might notice the tension in his stance and the restless energy that his imposed calm failed to hide. He was also gently tapping his right heel and rubbing the thumb and forefinger of his metal hand together behind his back. [@MarshiestMallow][@LightningMaiden]