[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] Sparks flew through the air, momentarily lighting the pitch-black night as another duo of magical girls crossed blades over the hanging heights of a crane loaded with steel beams, at a construction site not very far from where most of the others were gathered...[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/ftcdF8/coollogo_com_8063352.png[/img][h3]&[/h3][img]https://image.ibb.co/jaqyF8/coollogo_com_58541264.png[/img][/center][color=808080]"Huh, them? Why should I care about sticks-in-the-mud when I have an all-you-can-eat buffet right here?"[/color] A dark-haired girl who the other dark magical girls would know to be one of their own, a mysterious girl known as [url=https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1643949][u]Black Shot[/u][/url], said to her adversary before unleashing another volley of black, dagger-like projectiles with a spin of her spear. [color=ffb7c5]"How can you say that, are they not supposed to be your friends?"[/color] The other one, an untainted magical girl known as [url=https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2973239][u]Getsuga[/u][/url], replied before deflecting the attack with her swords. [color=808080]"If you think that any of them care about this kind of thing, you're even more naive than I thought, newbie. Actually, shouldn't you be the one trying to help that thrift shop mannequin over there? I don't think she's gonna last that much on her own."[/color] Black Shot's lips curled into a vicious grin as she took advantage of the momentary distraction created by her previous attack. Falling into a stance not unlike that of sprinter before bursting forth with incredible speed, intent on impaling the other girl. [color=ffb7c5]"Wait, you mean she's not one of you guys? How come?"[/color] Getsuga said as her body reacted on instinct to her opponent's attack, parrying, stepping and then following with a counter of her own. Sadly for her, Black Shot already anticipated that move, parrying Getsuga's blade and directing it towards the cables supporting the crane's load. With one out of four cables missing, the load's stability was compromised beyond repair, causing the whole crane to swerve violently. The moment from such a movement caused the crane's tower to bend and buckle under its own weight, a massive mechanical failure that only took the blink of an eye to happen. The whole structure would come down without warning, launching the beams into the air as well as causing part of the half-constructed building to collapse. Destruction spread everywhere in a couple blocks radius, filling the streets with dust and bent steel. However, even this didn't make Getsuga and Black Shot's battle come to a halt. In fact, a good eye would reveal the same sparks from before still flashing within the dust cloud as the two of them kicked and parried, using the very own falling beams as both stepping stones and weapons in a battle that would last until the final of the beams that Getsuga set her feet on, landed rather violently, slamming its way into the same roof where Mari stood. No sign of the two was visible for a moment, Getsuga appeared behind Mari's back practically out of the blue, parrying another of Black Shot's vicious stabs as the two of them continued locked in an ever more heated up skirmish, exchanging blows against one another, while killing any Nightmares that were foolish enough to come within striking range of either girl. [hr]