Appearance: [img][/img] Species name: Winged Basilisk Food source: Animals or people unlucky enough to come before them. Size: They grow nearly forever and their length depends on their age. Usually young tamed ones are around 40 feet. Natural abilities: Can glide from high places. Has a venomous bite Immune to venomous toxins. Can see through the dark and sense heat with their tongue. Tough scaled hide. Sharp dagger like rows of teeth. Very strong if wrapped around an enemy. Magical abilities: Can release a mist that slowly turns organic creatures into stone. Usual Temperaments: Usually passive if not stalking you. If disturbed however it will attack with a venomous bite. Locations Found: West of Vrondi within Neros territory. Far south of Nero's capital and within a few caverns south west of twilight town. Weaknesses: Like many Dragons its heart is its weakness. Its heart rests on its underbelly and beats with a red glow. Its wings can be easily burned. It has a low tolerance for cold.