[center] [h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone[/color] || Coffee Pot || Wednesday Afternoon ||[/h2] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2i9nk07.png[/IMG] [/center] [sub]Victoria [@PrinceAlexus]. Mentions Reya [@Majoras End][/sub] [hr] Ashton blinked a little at the offer, giving a nod with a slight nervous smile. Mostly for the fact that despite Victoria saying it was easy to find, Ashton had a natural talent.... of being lost. So it may take a bit if she was purposefully trying to find the place. Still it made her a bit giddy in the heart at the thought of going over to someone else's house like good friends would! It be fun she was sure! Though she was sure Marine would be baffled at the fact a classy woman such as Victoria would invite Ashton over so casually. Marine often liked describing Ashton as a street dog. A golden retriever, but a dog on the streets none the less. Not a bit of her was classy or elegant. Tilting her head as her amethyst eyes looked at the raven haired girl, Ashton raised her left hand, rubbing her index finger in a thoughtful manner against her chin. A summary? It wasn't what she thought Victoria would ask for, more like 'Where are you from?' or direct questions like that. How much should she say? Unlike most folks, Ashton didn't really have much to hide or anything. She would of answered honestly to any of Victoria's questions. Sure, there were sadder memories, but she accepted those along with the happier ones. Well, her therapist probably would disagree, since the firefighter remained mute after all these years. Plus there were some points that seemed to make some people uncomfortable so she was unsure how much she should say. Perking up as she attentively listened to Victoria's little summary, Ashton gave a smile before looking to her phone and started to type with a smile, oblivious of Victoria's body language as the blonde took her eyes off of the elegant woman. [color=silver]'Wow! That all sounds great! London is a beautiful place to grow up in ^-^ I also played a little of American Football in high school! Fun, a bit rough though and not my favorite of the sports I've tried. As for me, well let's see~ I've grown up here in Sol City at the Old Harbor Orphanage. My adoptive mom, Claire Griffone, took me in when I was maybe 12? We lived up in Park View. I did a bunch of sports when I was in school, then went off as a marine afterwards. It wasn't for me so I retired and have been a firefighter for about four years now. Still, I do miss visiting many countries and exploring the different culture and architecture :)'[/color] Ashton finished her text, and as her amethyst gaze looked up to the elegant shorter woman, she blinked as Victoria stood and notified the tall androgynous firefighter of the fact she was going to return a purse. Nodding a little in return, Ashton curiously washed Victoria walk in the direction of another cute beautiful girl. Who had pretty blue hair and looked quite exhausted. Looking to a waitress passing by, Ashton waved her bare tan well muscled but burned arms to her. Pointing towards the blue haired girl before taking the boogie board around her own neck and scribbled some words down. Writing out that put whatever the blue haired girl gets on Ashton's tab. The waitress gave a giggle and nod at the firefighter before returning to work. Catching Victoria's gaze, Ashton slightly turned her upper body for her right arm to rest against the back of the seat, while the left arm raised to wave as she gave another goofy smile. Obviously, was not offended or worried in any way.