[h2][center][color=fff200]Seth[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] Seth reached out for the "Electronic Journal" and held it in both hands. Apparently this was also a pokedex, so maybe it could do other stuff? He looked to his Scyther and returned it to its pokéball. It'd probably end up doing something it shouldn't. He also need a nickname for it. Like "Ace", or maybe "Blade". Nah, to edgy. He'll think of something later. He opened the Journal and pulled up the map. Where to go first? Should they just explore, or head to a city or town? He though of what he would do if this were an rpg game. He'd usually go to the next town to buy better equipment and potions. The starting town usually didn't have much, so he decided to trust his instinct. [i][color=fff200]"Right. Since we're just starting out, we should probably head to the nearest place. That would be...Houstank. Then again, we could just head wherever. What do you guys want to do?"[/color][/i] So, the perfect plan for him would be to head to Houstank, then to New Pork. By then they would need to head likely to Eyescraper, or the could risk exploring the wasteland. With a city so close, they could retreat if things went south. But on the way to Eyescraper, one direct trip would likely be to much, so they'd probably have to stop back here again, and then go from there. Lastly would be to Drain. Unfortunately, the world is full of chance and anarchy, and with the filth as it is now, it's only worse. So it was likely that this play wasn't going to go very well, but Seth hopes they could follow at least some sort of structured plan.