The soldier reached out and gripped Cecilia's upper arm firmly, yet not harshly, as they advanced through the dungeon together. He smiled thinly at her questioning of him before turning to look at her with ocean blue eyes. "Young lady," he said hoarsely, leaning toward her slightly as they walked,"betwixt you and I, I don't give a damned what that bitch likes." He guided Cecilia on through to the end of the dungeon into the jailer's office, where prisoner's were logged and "admitted" into the dungeon. The office was empty. Near the door that lead to the cells was a small desk, littered with papers, ledgers, and other oddities. On the far wall hung sets of shackles from a line of hooks. The office had three separate doors, one was the iron bar door that Cecilia and her escort passed through into the office, which the soldier was now closing and locking behind them. To the left of them stood a heavy wooden door that led out into the noisy prison yard outside. Directly ahead of them was another heavy wooden door liked with iron that lead to the castle's first floor. After locking the door into the cell area, the soldier once more grasped Cecilia by her arm and lead her forward, past the door to the prison yard and through the door that lead to the castle's first floor. Before them lay a winding staircase that lead up into the castle itself. Without a word, the soldier pulled the door shut behind them and began guiding Cecilia up the stone staircase before them.