[center][h1][color=red]ʜᴇɴʀɪᴋ ʜᴏʀɴᴛᴀɪʟ[/color][/h1][/center] The wafting scent of a hearty breakfast was the only thing that tempted Henrik to rise from his bed. Breakfast was no longer loud and active like it was when he was a child. No more brothers fighting over the last sausage link, or who ate more bacon than the other. Food would sling across the table, and more than one cup would become overturned, whether milk, coffee, or tea. Henrik and his brothers always cleaned themselves up [i]after[/i] breakfast, rather than before. It wasn't uncommon to find fried eggs stuck in his hair after these daily traditions. Even by the evening, the smell and energy of breakfast with his older brothers always hung around in the air. It took a strong shove on the shoulder for Henrik to come back into focus of his mother and father sitting at the table. [color=firebrick]"I said, are you ready for the first day of your final year, Henrik?"[/color] Henrik rubbed his face in frustration, finishing off the last of his coffee. [color=red]"Yeah, well... I'm ready to be done with this school..."[/color] Henrik has asked every year up to this point why they had to move, and why couldn't they have stayed in Hungary so he could attend Durmstrang Institute instead. But at this point it no longer mattered, he has attended Hogwarts for 6 years, now his final 7th year. All that mattered now was finishing his N.E.W.T.s so he could go work with his brothers back in Hungary. Pushing away from the table, Henrik grabbed his trunk that he packed the night before, heaving it over his shoulder. [color=red]"Well... I ought to get going or I will miss the train..."[/color] With his other arm, he hugged his dad and mom, [color=salmon]"I love you, fiú... Have a good year..."[/color] And with that, Henrik walked out into the cobblestone road. He didn't live too far from King's Cross station, so it wasn't an issue to just walk there. Henrik made sure not to attract attention of any passerby's before quickly stepping across into Platform 9 & 3/4. Steam was flowing out of the train, and it was starting to give its last call signal. Board the train now, or miss it. After loading his trunk, it didn't take long to realize that all of the compartments were full, except one that he peeled back the door to, finding a blue haired boy and a curly blonde hair girl, both ogling over an owl. He didn't really know them, but recognized them for previous years. The boy being a Hufflepuff, and the girl being a Ravenclaw. [color=red]"The rest of the cabins are full..."[/color] Henrik's deep voice almost boomed against the walls. He wasn't asking for permission and sat down on the side of the blue-hair boy, while the door slid closed after him. What was his name again? Henrik knew he had heard his name before. Not long after sitting, the train began to move and the door slid open again, revealing a tall, blond girl with emerald green eyes. [center][h1][color=springgreen]𝒜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹[/color][/h1][/center] After being personally escorted to Platform 9 & 3/4, Arielle began stepping on to train just as the wheels began turning. Walking down the aisles, Arielle glanced into each room she passed, causing everyone in them to suddenly stop talking and stare back. It was a strange phenomenon, Arielle seemed to scare some students silent, but why? She knew it had to do with the reputation of her family name, but she just moved on to the next room. Looking into one cabin, Arielle slid the door back, revealing the three aforementioned students, of which Arielle recognized from around Hogwarts. But much like Henrik, didn't know any of their names. Arielle began to step in, her sad eyes focusing on the floor, when a group of Slytherins rushed behind her. [color=green]"A-Arielle! You don't have to sit in there... we can make room for you in our cabin!"[/color] Arielle slowly turned around, her misty eyes sweeping across the others in the room, and finally landing on the 4 Slytherin students behind her, 3 girls and a boy. [color=olive]"Yeah... you don't have to sit with these... losers."[/color] The other Slytherin students giggled among themselves. [color=springgreen]"No, I'm fine. I'll see you four at the school."[/color] With that, she slid the door close over their shocked faces, and sat down beside Annabeth, reaching into her bag and pulling out a copy of a French magical paper. [color=springgreen]"I think this compartment will be more... interesting..."[/color] She didn't pull her nose from her paper, but her bright green eyes occasionally peered over the pages at them.