Biance's head shot up as her whole body came to attention. The sound of some commotion, followed by the familiar-growing sound of Haruka shouting, came from the brush, in the general direction of where she had been looking. Now taking a step towards the Forest's edge, Biance prepared to asses the situation. However, a dark blur distracted her from the literal dragon that seemed to be following Haruka. It dashed in to the group, stopping mere feet from Biance, having threatened to plow into her stomach should it have continued. "[color=c04622]Oi oi! Get out of here! This is mine![/color]" it shouted. Biance was, for all appearances, dumbstruck. She actually had nothing to say to this. Before her, raised up aggressively on hind legs, was some kind of... hairy... dinosaur? It had a thick lizard like tail, a broad snout, and reptilian claws, but its body was covered in yellow fur. Well, that is, the parts that weren't covered by frikin samurai armor. Indeed, black, segmented armor coated the creature's head and back, ornamented with red tassels, purple trim, and a large, smooth red gem adorning its forehead. Biance wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but it could talk. That may have been what was throwing her off the most. It was then that Haruka and her guest came in to view, and the compound shock broke Biance's mind out of its shock induced state, "[color=9e005d]Is that a damn [i]dragon[/i]!?[/color]" she compulsively shouted. "[color=c04622]You better believe it![/color]" the creature screamed its boastful reply.