SOUTH GATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a buzz in the air, he could feel it.The banners strewn about, idle yet excited conversations from the people, guards standing in vigilance... Well, all but one. Kazudain placed a hand on Maldur's head to quiet his growls. [color=7ea7d8]"I know you wish to be done here my friend my friend, but laws are laws. It won't be much longer now, will it young man?" [/color]He turned to the guard looking at his papers, who looked quite unnerved at the cat-beast growling aloud. So did the other people in line for that matter. The guard flinched. "Y-Yes Milord, only a moment." With haste he organized the documents and applied the seal of the 3rd gate, finally allowing the traveling pair entry into the city. With a snort Maldur stood with a stretch, walking forward as his master collected his papers. [color=7ea7d8]"Thank you."[/color] With a curt nod the man followed the beast into the Kingdom. He didn't notice the guard stumble back into the guard house. "Just w-who, wh-what was" The Guard felt a hand on his shoulder, making him jump before turning around. "What's wrong Cadah? You look as if you saw a demon made flesh?" Seeing the smiling scaled muzzle of his Captain made Cadah relax a little bit. "It's just- The man who just passed was traveling with a large beast the likes of which I've never seen before! Just it's growls rattled my bones it did." At the the Captain turned his gaze to the crowd. "Whe-" Seeing the pair in question it didn't take long for scaled brows to raise sharply. "Well bless my clans nesting grounds, it seems Lady Amalya is blessing the Kingdom this day." "What do you mean? Who was that?" "You don't remember the stories we guardsmen tell at the bars boy? That man's -" =============================== "Just keep going down this road until you see the jeweler shop, Mavala's. Turn a left then keep heading North. You'll reach the town square in no time." A young Bear Beast-kin spoke while pointing down the main road. Kazudain gave a nod with a smile peeking out from his hood. [color=7ea7d8]"Many thanks you young miss. May the Goddesses smile upon you."[/color] With a wave of thanks man and beast continued down the road. The Beast-kin watched them go with a wave. "Same for you Milord!" The man smiled at her politeness, it was always good to see that quality in a people. He turned to his partner. [color=7ea7d8]"So, ready to see one of the biggest festivals in the land?"[/color] His answer was a snort and a shake of a furred head. The man rolled his unseen eyes. [color=7ea7d8]"Yes, yes I know, the children here will only be so strong here. That doesn't mean they won't have surprises my friend."[/color] Maldur let out a groan before chuffing at Kazudain. [color=7ea7d8]"Not to worry my friend, we'll be there soon enough. See? There's Mavala's Jewelers just like that young girl told us about."[/color] The pair continued down the road, making for the center of the kingdom, town square.