[hider=Olivia Ashton] [center][color=yellow][i]"Music is one of those rare things that can really make people listen, it should be used to spread a positive message, not a negative one,"[/i][/color] [img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1049/3162/articles/Photo_Nov_27_10_50_44_AM_1400x.progressive.png.jpg?v=1448653173[/img] [color=yellow][h3] Olivia May Ashton[/h3][/color] [color=yellow][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 22 [color=yellow][b][u]Musical Talent:[/u][/b][/color] Lead Vocalist [color=yellow][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Olivia is pretty carefree, she loves to have fun and enjoy life. She's bubbly, sarcastic, loyal, compassionate, wild, and free. She tries to think of everything as positively as she can, she has a soft spot for any and all animals, ans she basically tries to stay in a positive mood one hundred percent of the time. It's not often she's seen in a sour mood. She loves to sing, write lyrics, and spend her time outdoors as much as she can. She loves the beach and everything about the sun. [color=yellow][b][u]History/Bio:[/u][/b][/color] Olivia was born the youngest child to two very loving parents that she is still close to to this day. Her older brother, Sean, is a very big support system in her life as well. Olivia was raised Christian, her parents being good natured people. She was a pretty normal kid, though she was also pretty popular in school. Over the years she had her share of upsets as well as anyone else would, her grandfather died when she was eight which tore her up inside, as Olivia had always been a big lover of her close-knit family. Her grandfather's passing had been hard on her, and when her grandmother followed two years later, it tore her up inside. When she was ten, her parents got divorced, which also subsequently destroyed her. But it wasn't for too long, as they got back together a year later and have stayed together since. Her brother became a professional nascar racer, something that Olivia herself could never understand or get in to. But she supported her brother all the same. When she went off to college, she told her parents that her biggest dream was to join a band and go on tour, something she still intends to do. [/center][/hider] [hider=Benji] [center][color=SteelBlue][i]"I don't even know what's going on, are we playing yet?"[/i][/color] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/9b0d1ff6dbfa53da374139a2788038c7/tumblr_navmj7ZTdM1spby95o3_250.png[/img] [color=SteelBlue][h3] Benjamin Dalton[/h3][/color] [color=steelblue][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 23 [color=steelblue][b][u]Musical Talent:[/u][/b][/color] Bassist [color=steelblue][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Benjamin isn't the brightest light in the lighthouse, but that might be from the years of skateboarding injuries. He's not particularly the most observant person, in fact he tends to zone out quite often. He loves to read, listen to music, and play his bass. He's not a high-maintenance guy, and he hates drama of any kind. He isn't one to gossip, or worry about what people think of him. He could honestly not give a damn if he had any friends at all, he prefers to be alone. But he also gets lonely from time to time, and will put himself around people even if he doesn't particularly like people as a whole. He isn't very active, unless you count skateboarding or riding his motorcycle. He isn't the most driven person, more a go with the flow type of guy, but he likes flirting with girls. He's got a sort of bad boy reputation, and he goes with it even if he doesn't really know who started it or how. [color=steelblue][b][u]History/Bio:[/u][/b][/color] Benji was born to a single mother, his father never having been around ever since he was born. Benjamin met him much later in life, but doesn't actively talk to the guy, or know him that well. His mother is his world.It was mostly because Benjamin watched his mother struggle to take care of him and give him a good life, and Benji hated to see his mother have to go through that. He got along well in school, though not the smartest kid, he did okay. When he was eight, him and his mother moved across the country and Benji had to make all new friends, in a new town. But he loved it, he'd hated his old school. When he graduated high school, a year behind because he honestly was that dumb when it came to academics, Benjamin swore all he wanted to do was play his music professionally. He told his mother so, time and time again. His mother was fully supportive of his dream, even going so far as to pay for her son's bass lessons as a child. Benjamin picked it up fast, almost like a natural, and he's been playing ever since. [/center][/hider]