[center][color=cyan][h3]Aiden Moseley[/h3][/color] Aiden shook Henrik's hand, his cheeks becoming steadily pinker the longer the conversation went on. Aiden couldn't take his eyes off Henrik for a moment, momentarily stunned that such a handsome man was talking to [i]him[/i] of all people. But yet here they all sat, each of them a different house but still friendly enough to have an idle chat on the way to school. Aiden couldn't help but feel like this was how the Founders must have originally seen the school interacting, before all the inter-house rivalries happened. The biggest rivalry would always be between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins, as they were always in competition it seemed. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were more like spectators, each other taking sides in various events one way or the other. Aiden had always been more supportive of the Gryffindors simply because lost of the Slytherins were very cruel to him. But this Arielle girl seemed alright so far. Aiden wasn't one to be judgemental. [color=cyan]"Dragon Taming sounds amazing," [/color] Aiden said in a soft voice, knowing he was completely off topic but not able to contain his awe that he knew someone who [i]tamed dragons[/i]. Aiden was a lover of all things involving magical creatures and non-magical creatures. He really just loved animals, usually more than people. His heart momentarily stopped when Henrik winked at him, and against when the Gryffindor learned close to him. This guy sure was bold hm? Aiden could never be that courageous. He looked at the two girls sitting across from the curiously, his eyes still betraying his nerves a little. Momo continued to Twitter eside him quietly, bouncing around in his spot as he looked at all the strange people. ××××××××××××××××××××× [color=deeppink][h3] Annabeth Daniels[/h3][/color] When Henrik mentioned that Annabeth was a nerd, Annabeth looked at him with a quirk of one eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest and staring at him with a small smile on her face. If she hadn't heard the chuckle that came afterwards, she might have been highly offended. She of course [i]was[/i] totally ajd completely a nerd, but that wasn't the point. She wasn't [i]just[/i] a nerd. [color=deeppink]"Potion assassins?"[/color]Annabeth asked the Slytherin girl, turning to look at her as her hear skipped a beat inside her chest at the sight of her emerald green eyes. Arielle really was beautiful. But Annabeth had not read anything about a family of potion assassins, though, she mostly read academic books and didn't spend much time reading books from their time period. Her favorite subjects were Charms and Transfiguration, so Dr both branches of magic allowed a witch or wizard the ability to do so [i]many[/i] different things. Annabeth was also a big fan of Defense Against the Dark Arts and anything involving the subject, as well as Herbolgy, since she had a love of nature as well. [/center]