[@Raptra][@KatherinWinter][@FalkiThomas][@GingerBoi123] It was already possible they were already drawing too much attention but with the head motion to Ratte to follow where he wanted them to meet up, Isago already started making his move for Kai to follow and turned to him. "I'm just kidding, my young friend. I'm not concerned about your romantic preferences...but if that guy you're looking at poses a problem, I'll just have to confront him myself but not in this crowd." He said. Isago walked towards the back to find their way out of the building to start their conversation as Isago opened the way to let Kai through first. "I'll tell you what, kid. If this new guy is only here to cause problems...he'll have to deal with us both...how does that sound?" He asked while waiting on the others to come to the back.