[center][h1][color=red]ʜᴇɴʀɪᴋ ʜᴏʀɴᴛᴀɪʟ[/color][/h1][/center] Henrik turned his attention back to Aiden when he mentioned Dragon Taming. [color=red]"I wish there was a more powerful word to describe it... Dragon Taming, that is."[/color] Henrik rubbed his chin, his eyes towards the ceiling as if thinking strongly on the subject. [color=red]"The Durmstrang Institute has a series of classes specifically on dragons. Like if our Care of Magical Creatures class focused on dragons. Their history and how they behave. But Taming isn't a skill one learns. It is bread into you. You have to be brave, daring, and strong."[/color] Henrik loved talking about dragons. Although school wasn't his strong point, he knew just about everything there was to know about any breed and species of dragons. It was truly his passion, much like it was for the rest of his family. On that last statement, Henrik rolled up his t-shirt sleeve, flexing his large bicep to the group. [color=red]"I guess the sorting hat isn't that much crock... since it put me in the right house obviously."[/color] Henrik smiled brightly, glancing at the shyly blushing Aiden. He was aware of the slight nervousness that he was sprouting through Aiden, and much like a Romanian Longhorn, Henrik liked to play with his food before devouring. Henrik leaned back, putting a, relatively, friendly arm around Aiden's shoulder. Henrik raised an eyebrow at Annabeth's statement. Or more like question. [color=red]"You say that like you have never heard of potion assassins... You have heard of them, right? I'm not from England and I know how they go about- poisoning important witches, wizards, and even muggles. For a good enough price. If anythin-"[/color] But before another word could drip from Henrik's mouth, Arielle was shoving her French Newspaper, Le Papier du Mage, in his face, causing him to muffle his voice out. [center][h1][color=springgreen]𝒜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹[/color][/h1][/center] Arielle was on her feet, holding the newspaper over Henrik's mouth and face. However, her own expression hadn't changed. The only thing that had was the fire in her eyes. [color=springgreen]"You don't know me or my family... I would much appreciate it if you not spread such harsh, falsifying rumors about us. Don't air dirty laundry that isn't yours to air."[/color] With that, Arielle plopped back into her seat, Henrik crumbling up the newspaper and throwing it back at Arielle, a smug grin on his own face. [color=springgreen]"It is okay, Henrik if you are simply jealous of my potion skills... not everyone can brew as well as me... Some of us have to rely more on the strength of our bodies than the strengths of our minds."[/color] Arielle referred to Henrik's robust nature, and action first, thoughts later attitude so far. Arielle turned back towards Annabeth, reestablishing her calm while watching her. [color=springgreen]"How is it though... that you haven't heard of potion assassins? Almost any witch or wizard would have been told at least one bedtime tale about them. They have quite the... reputation."[/color] And that is all Arielle would continue to say about the subject. Her eyes slowly moving over to the orange cat curled up and snoozing. Arielle began to softly pet it, attracted by its warm fur and soft purr. Arielle was not allowed to have her own pet for a multitude of reasons from her parents, so she heavily relied on other's pets to bring her a simple joy. [color=springgreen]"I hope that we have more classes together this year, Annabeth. I would like to see you around more."[/color]