She shivered with the slimes touch. [Color=pink]"brrrrrr shed cold."[/color] she said wriggling but then she felt the touch. Heard what she said. Edith felt a little... surprised. Surprised in a good way. [Color=pink]"she seems nice. Simple but nice."[/color] Edith thought a moment. [Color=pink]"Asura, what did she say to you? She doesnt know me and she's confused by my singing. But I'm establishing repoire."[/color] edith tried to return the favor. She crawled up on the ledge and formed a psuedopod and tried to touch the slime. She tried think really loud, but ended up just talking. [Color=pink]"Ahem. Me Friend. Noise Happy. Small me happy big me. Small me become big me?"[/color] hoping that might get them somewhere.