[b]Name:[/b] Adah Norebas [b]Age:[/b] 29 (April, 1st) [b]Origin:[/b] Outer D.C., has lived for a significant amount of time in various ghettos in St. Lewis and along the east coast [b]Residence:[/b] No permanent residence, Las Vegas, Nevada [b]Occupation:[/b] Band manager/producer, occasional songwriter/vocalistrapper [b]Relationships:[/b] Estranged parents (Possible survivors); Neko Galore (Band/musician collective includes; R an' R (Real name; Riley Rena, 24, Vocalist), Locusta (Real name; Mary Jones, 26, Rapper/Vocalist, former relationship w/ Adah), Moe Zoe (Zoe Mathews, 21, Instrumentalist), Rella (Real name; Evan Caden, 23, Rapper/Electronics), Pu**y Galore (Real name; John Brown, 29, DJ/Publicity/Rapper, long time friend of Adah, once had an on/off relationship w/ her), Neko (Real name; Christopher Haley, 28, Singer/Artist, failed relationship w/ Adah), The Ultimate End and Devil/Devaudeville (Real name; Aquell Thompson, 28, Rapper/Instrumentalist/Generalist) All possible survivors); The Pink Twins (Real names; Michael and Esmeralda Rosas, 25, Alt. musicians, Adah's latest failed romantic endeavor, in that order); Nester Biaz (31, Adah's therapist-turned-best friend) [b]Appearance:[/b] Showing the characteristics of her Creek, Black, and Hispanic ancestry and standing at a height almost over 6 feet, Adah is somewhat certainly an imposing figure. Years spent negotiating (and touring casinos) combined with a harsh childhood have molded her facial features into a blend of "harsh scorn" and "poker face." The rest of her body following suit, her curves are almost hidden by weight gained from stress, a non-active lifestyle, and an unhealthy diet, a little like Shakespeare's Helena from [i]A Midsummer Night's Dream[/i], she has developed a slight hunch to compensate for her height. Her curly, "just below pixie, just above shoulder length" hair is extremely lively to compensate for this, she's had it dyed an auburn-reddish color for some time now, it matches with her bronze skin very well. All this, her tired eyes and her tendency to dress in high business casual and suits, make her a very unique figure in a crowd. [b]History:[/b] The child of a dead-beat Father and an addicted Mother, Adah often found herself moving from low-income location to low-income location. Often times just her and her Mother, she would move from area to area, exhausting all the the free opportunities for drugs she could find, dragging Adah along the whole time. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Starting Situation:[/b] (I'll finish this in the afternoon)