I feel like I never properly came back to RPG without a good re-introduction or said hello to really anybody besides the Rps I've jumped back in. Truth is, I gave up on forum Rping for multiple reasons. For my terrible behavior as CallMeChaotix/Chaotic Chao roleplaying embarassing, to just ending up causing drama. Felt like it would do better to leave. Plus school and minor depression. At one point I sorta realized I needed to not base my complete social life around the internet. Not to mention, coming back every now and then simply reminded of how much of a childish dick I used to be, even for a 10 - 13 year old. However, there was a part of me that still loved roleplaying. That's why I'm back. I know this sounds pretentious and some people will probably think it's stupid to post on Introduce Yourself even though you've been back for like, a little more than a week. But, I felt I needed to properly come back, and get it off my chest so I won't walk away from a great place via mere embarrassment and memories of being sucky. Sorry, RPG. And hello again.