[h3][b][color=orchid]Andras[/color][/b][/h3] Andras averted her eyes as Vera kissed Wolf. '[color=mediumorchid]W-Why is everyone being so forward with each other around me?![/color]' Her mind protested silently. Andras turned to Wolf after Vera carried off the impish child. "[b][color=orchid]Well, I wasn't planning on sleeping yet, but maybe we should take the open room?[/color][/b]" Andras tried her best to act cool, but she was apprehensive about it all as she walked to the spare bedroom. They were friends, of course, but Andras didn't have any night clothing on her and she didn't want to sleep in her hoodie and skirt. Actually, more importantly, she didn't want to sleep at all yet. She usually waited to sleep when the light of morning began to creep into the sky... When the darkness began to retreat. That time of day provided the perfect synthesis of Light and Dark that Andras believed to help her power grow. Or something like that. '[color=mediumorchid]I can just pass time on my phone until I get tired.[/color]' She cast a sideways glance at Wolf. '[color=mediumorchid]Plus it wouldn't give him the chance to peek at me if he's already asleep when I get in bed.[/color]' Andras sat on the bed without really showing an interest in sleeping, pulling out her phone. Something red showed in her peripheral vision as she browsed her phone. It took a few moments for her smile to fade as she realized her phone's battery was in the red. "[color=orchid][b]Oh no. My phone's dead.[/b][/color]" Her voice came out probably too dramatic for the subject matter being discussed. But to her, this was a crisis. She bit her lip. '[color=mediumorchid]What will I do for the next few hours? I'm wide awake! I'll have to be quiet for Wolf too...[/color]' She held her head in her hands, hoping for a solution to come to her.