[@Savo] [@liferusher] [@TBKrunk] I am privy to accept these three characters, but there is some concerns I have that I’d like to be amended or addressed. For [u][b]Kunze Adrianne[/b][/u], I don’t really think the [i]American[/i] gaijin origin is central to the character and I feel like them being a Japanese native would be a revision that is much needed. I don’t mind the personality, quirk (even though we did and might need to talk about it more at length), and general conceptualization. Basically pick Germany or Japan and solidify why they chose Ishin Academy above all other German, International, and Japanese hero schools to apply to. Once this is done you may drop them in the characters tab. For [b][u]Kishimoto Rin[/u][/b] I like it well enough even though I think the quirk development will be challenging, my only issue is the part where The [i]illegal[/i] vigilante trains Rin and directs her toward his cum laude, Ishin Academy. If they are a vigilante it is likely they were [i]expelled[/i] from the academy and I find it unlikely they would suggest such an institution in such a case; alternatively, if they are a graduate they would likely not be a vigilante but rather a pro-hero which contradicts this concept. I think this instance is a little messy and contrived personally and some clarity and/or revisions seem to be necessary here for it to move into acceptance territory. To sum it up, explain to me about this one-note backstory character and their motives. When this is done and reviewed I doubt I will have any issues about accepting them. For [b][u]Ishida Mizuki[/u][/b] the only issues I have are speculating why the IA review board would think they are a good fit for the pro-hero course. But that's something we can discuss. You may move them over to the characters tab at your own leisure.