Name: Jana Mizrahi Age: 45 Gender: Female Relic Description: The appearance of Jana’s relic is a simple metal disk with strange engraved runes, though it has not been visible for many years. It is a shapeshifting rune: one that has permanently and drastically altered Jana’s body. It allows her to take on any living, non-humanoid form, so as long as her body remains large enough for the relic to physically fit inside of her while retaining vital organs. However, it does have several limitations, the most prominent of which is the fact that the magic restricts her from taking on any Human or Human-like form, including her original one. Therefore, she has been trapped in non-human bodies since she obtained the relic three years ago. Otherwise, the relic does allow her to take on larger forms by drawing in material from her surroundings, but it requires energy from her body to do so, and to maintain the larger form. If she grows too large too quickly, she can become exhausted, or even risk starving to death. Maintaining a larger form does not require magic from the relic, but large bodies do, of course, require much more food and nutrients to survive. She is able to reduce the size of her body freely and quickly, and can also modify individual parts of her body instead of her entire form. Appearance: Since Jana can take on any non-humanoid form, she has no single appearance. However, she has retained some semblance of identity with a form that she tends to default to. She tends to appear as an exotic, saber-tooth cat of varying sizes, depending upon how much food she can regularly be fed. [hider=Saber-toothed Cat][img] [/img][/hider] Flaws: [list] [*]Lack of Human Form: Since she cannot take on any form even resembling a Human, she is unable to function within normal society without identifying herself as an evoker. [*]Depression: The loss of Jana’s humanity has taken a heavy toll on her mind. There are times when she is able to be positive, or even happy, but she fluctuates drastically between moods and can easily fall into intense sadness, self-loathing, and guilt. She feels herself to be a burden on her husband, and the more time passes, the more hopeless it seems that her relic can ever be removed. [*] Energy requirements: Jana’s shapeshifting is fueled by the energy within her own body. While any transformation that requires her to lose mass, or maintain the same amount, expends little to no energy, gaining mass from her surroundings requires energy from her own body. Her relic can sustain her life mid-transformation, but drastic shapeshifting can drain her body of energy. [*] Undisciplined for combat: The life that Jana has lead had not been one of a warrior. Beyond hunting animals, she has never killed before, and is not mentally prepared for the rigors of combat. [/list] Skills: Most of the skills that Jana has gained throughout her life are no longer useful to her as long as she is masquerading as an animal. She can no longer wield a bow, and even mundane skills like cooking, making clothing, and starting a fire are no longer useful to her, except on the occasion that she and her husband have the privacy for her to stop keeping up the act. She was once a learned scholar like her husband, but with no ability to interact in society, her knowledge has been useless to her. However, she does have the natural abilities of any creature she can think to shapeshift to. Biography: Jana did not know her birth parents, and to date, still does not know how she came into the care of the hermit, Ragnis. For most of the first half of her life, her home was at a small oasis, tucked away in a hidden cave in the deserts north of Othea. Ragnis raised her as his own daughter, and she considers him just as much of a father as whoever may have sired her. She and Ragnis lived alone, though they were not entirely isolated. She and her father made semi-monthly trips to a few scattered villages that were close enough to reasonably walk to, but for the most part, she kept herself entertained with her studies and lessons that Ragnis imparted on her. She learned to live a peaceful life, and to take interest in scholarly pursuits. He taught her how to read, write, and [i]think[/i] as a scholar. Her life could be lonely, and boring at times, but it also served to foster her creativity. She penned novels, created paintings, and even sculptures when she had the materials. Art and learning became her passions, but as she became an adult, her gaze looked beyond their isolated oasis. Although, with her father’s age catching up to him, she did not have the heart to leave him alone. Jana was in her mid-twenties when change finally came to her metaphorical doorstep. Her father found a man, wounded and exhausted in the desert, and helped to nurse him back to health. He might have sent him on his way, but Ragnis saw conflict and pain within the man, even if he attempted to hide it. As a result, the man stayed with them, and Ragnis passed on all of the same teachings he had given to his daughter. The man, Hadar, went from being a stranger, to a close friend of their family. Jana in particular grew close to him, a fact that her father no doubt noticed. Ragnis’ health worsened and he passed on before Jana professed her love for Hadar, but she does not doubt that he died knowing that his daughter had found her happiness for the future. For almost the next two decades, Jana and her husband, Hadar, wandered the Kingdom of Othea, seeking the knowledge and adventure they now both craved. To live in such isolation as she had with her father, Jana had always been an independent and self-sufficient woman, so life on the road was not something she was unprepared for. She picked up archery, mostly for the purpose of hunting, since with Hadar at her side, she did not have fear of bandits, highwaymen, or wild beasts. His skill, and the power of his relic, kept them as safe as she had ever been. They did not gain much in the way of wealth or other “traditional” forms of prosperity in their travels, but for all of the knowledge and experiences they gained, Jana never felt poor in their life. They could support themselves well-enough selling pelts, taking odd jobs, or even selling small wooden sculptures that Jana enjoyed carving in her spare time. It was three years ago that change once again found its way into Jana’s life, but this time, it was forced rather harshly upon her. She purchased a sack of goods from a traveling merchant, mostly consisting of books and a few unique oddities she felt like studying. Such purchases were common for them, and back in their camp, they were both enthused to see what interested them. However, as soon as Jana touched her hand to a plain-looking, engraved metal disk, it fused to her flesh, and what followed was nothing short of horrifying. Her body twisted and contorted, Jana screaming for as long as she had the ability to do so. It transformed her into the first animal that entered her thoughts, which at that time was a deer, since they had just been hunting shortly beforehand. It was one of the few times that Hadar broke his calm, as both of them were rightfully terrified. Jana tried to run away in a panic, only to trip over her own hooves. But, being that they were both educated on relics, both of them were able to come to the realization of what happened once their minds finally calmed enough to think. It has been three years since Jana’s first transformation, and virtually all of that time has been spent trying to find a way to reverse it; to remove the relic from her body. Unfortunately, both of them already knew more about relics than the vast majority of the population, so their efforts to ferret out even more information has been fruitless thusfar. Jana has been struggling with depression, regret, and guilt over what she has become, but despite losing her humanity, Hadar has stuck by her, ever supportive. His patience and caring has been one of the only reasons she retains the will to keep living, and keep trying. Even now that they are in Kheris searching for Hadar’s niece, they have not completely halted their search for a way to remove the relic. Personality: Jana was once a bright, cheerful woman; an artist, and a scholar with a thirst for adventure and new experiences. She was eccentric by nearly any culture’s metrics, but her father did not raise her to be average. She was kind and outgoing, and enjoyed making new friends more than her husband, even if they were always temporary. However, her transformation also caused a severe downturn in her mental state. She is frequently depressed and falls into slumps of self-loathing over what she has become. She has suffered several mental breakdowns over the past few years, and only recently has hints of the woman she once was been shining through the cloud of depression that still hangs over her. Relations: Hadar Mizrahi is Jana’s husband of twenty years, and currently the only person in her life.