[centre][hider=Character Sheet][hr] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/nSBjaNr-LM00cYXK59baBkLuzH0L1apejdi5EQYWnDo/https/i.pinimg.com/736x/21/72/d7/2172d7df59fe884c73df709b1b330cb0--character-concept-character-design.jpg?width=528&height=634[/img] [hr] [b]Name[/b] [i]Jackson Mayfield[/i] [b]Operator Alias[/b] [i]Windup[/i] [b]Age[/b] [i]24[/i] [b]Gender[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Nationality[/b] [i]Canadian-American[/i] [b]Birth-date / Location[/b] [i]Montpelier, Vermont[/i] [hr] [b]Special Forces Group[/b] [i]JTF2[/i] [b]Appearance[/b] [i][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2b/03/76/2b037633c66e0c68b93e97340650408e--character-concept-character-ideas.jpg[/img] [/i] [b]Psych Profile[/b] [i]Jackson is, to put it mildly, an asshole. An asshole that is really good at his job, but an asshole nonetheless. No-nonsense, abrasive, unafraid to speak his mind, the only time he ever shuts his trap is when it would get him a demotion. He's also prone to violence, although luckily manages to take it out on an actual punching bag, or the poor sods on the other end of his gun. He considers himself a 'man's man,' with all that comes with it, and has a tendency to drink a lot, smoke just as much, and otherwise irritate 90% of the people he works with. Of course, all that falls apart when in combat. Jackson is stone-cold when he wants to be. Methodical, precise, extremley effective, he's everything someone could want on the field or more. It's probably the reason why he hasn't had a grenade rolled into his sleeping bag by accident.[/i] [b]Relationships[/b] [i]As a brand-new transfer to team Rainbow, he barely knows anyone.[/i] [hr] [b]Stance in Combat[/b] [i]Attacker - Defender. No matter what you're doing, an exosuit always comes in handy.[/i] [b]Operator Equipment[/b] [i][/i] [b]Operator Ability[/b] [i]The Exosuit. Made out of titanium, a small car's worth of motors, microgyros, and all sorts of engineering wizardry, the advanced HULC exosuit provides its wearer with many, many advantages. Chief amoung them is the ability to carry almost double the normal amount an operator would be capable of carrying, allowing Jackson to wear additional armor without the loss of speed. Furthermore, boosters and gyros in the feet of the exosuit allows for Jackson to jump up to nine feet straight in the air. This is completley without subtlety or finesse, making a load of noise, and furthermore, is impossible to be used to enter through windows. What this [b]is[/b] useful for however, is scaling through destroyed hatches and even up onto balconies. After a jump, the suit requires the operator to wait a full minute whilst being active, to recharge the kinetic energy within the boosters.[/i] [hr] [b]Biography[/b] [i]Jackson's had it rough. He was left off in a border town at a 'safe haven' for depositing kids, and became a ward of the state before he was three days old. His only possessions were a birth certificate, with his nationality marked as Canadian, and his mother and father's name left out. Growing up, he got into trouble and was generally a bit of a shithead, barely even making it all the way through high school. It was after high school however, where things started to look up for him. Crossing the border to Canada, he pretty much instantly joined the Canadian army, where he would serve for four years. During these four years, he was an exemplary soldier in every way but attitude- something that held him back through further promotion, however did reveal that he took to the nastier operations like a duck to water. This deft hand for the worse side of the military, and the fact that no matter what, he could at least keep that gobby mouth of his [i]shut[/i] meant that he was, somehow, a prime candidate for special operations. Although he could have joined the JTF2 earlier, it took him a full four years before he felt prepared enough to go for special operations. He passed the JTF2 entrance exam and passed with flying colours, a neat segue into his participation in covert operations. These are classified at a Canadian Government level, and as such are not known by Team Rainbow, however he was suggested for Rainbow service personally thanks to this participation.[/i] [b]Training and Experience[/b] [i]High School Diploma Four years Canadian Army Two Years JTF2 Arctic Warfare Specalist CQC Defender Course Field-Information Gathering Qualification Counter-Interrogation Course[/i] [b]Family[/b] [i]N/A.[/i] [b]Theme Song[/b] [i][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhzpxjuwZy0[/youtube][/i] [/hider] [/centre]